Linux Mint 18 will ship without multimedia (codecs

By sinking ships, 8 Years ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 117 times.
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  1. Linux Mint 18 will ship without multimedia (codecs) support
  3. "Linux Mint 18 will no longer provide separate, codec-free installation media for OEM and magazine distribution. Instead, the distribution will ship without multimedia support while making it easy for users to acquire media codecs during the initial installation of the operating system. "OEM installation disks and NoCodec images will no longer be released. Instead, similar to other distributions, images will ship without codecs and will support both traditional and OEM installations. This will reduce our release cycle to 4 separate events and the production and testing of 12 ISO images. Multimedia codecs can be installed easily: From the welcome screen, by clicking on "Multimedia Codecs", or from the main menu, by clicking on "Menu"->"Sound and Video"->"Install Multimedia Codecs", or during the installation process, by clicking a checkbox option." Additional information on the upcoming release of Linux Mint 18 can be found in the project's monthly newsletter.[1]"
  5. # distrowatch[dot com]/dwres.php?resource=showheadline&story=401
  7. [1] blog.linuxmint[dot com]/?p=3026

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