
By Wet Dormouse, 11 Years ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 706 times.
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  1. 14:39 <EntroX|werk> hrmm, wouldnt tls include https for tcl?
  2. 14:40 <madpinger> yup
  3. 14:40 <EntroX|werk> hrmm, looks like either i screwed up or something weird is going on
  4. 14:40 <EntroX|werk> tho frankly i should just stop being lazy and recompile eggdrop with a newer version of TCL
  5. 14:40 <EntroX|werk> http://pb.stoleyour.com/view/b06fef0f
  6. 14:41 <madpinger> ::http::register https 443 ::tls::socket
  7. 14:41 <madpinger> example, https://github.com/madpinger/CoreDB/blob/master/lib/plugin/url.tcl
  8. 14:42 <EntroX|werk> sadly i am an awful coder, just trying to patch it up with some packages for a friend of mine who actually knows tcl :p
  9. 14:42 — madpinger shrugs
  10. 14:42 <EntroX|werk> but taking a wild guess here i pressume its not actually a package but a call made from the use of both http and tls?
  11. 14:43 <EntroX|werk> since thats what i understand from what you said initially
  12. 14:43 <madpinger> pretty much

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