SQ Attorneys, DUI, Domestic Violence, Criminal Def

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  1. We are compassionate listeners, and empathize with the fear, frustration and shame that people commonly suffer through when facing criminal cases. Our legal team can protect you, and ensure that you get the best possible result in light of an unfortunate situation. The team at SQ Attorneys is skilled, trained, dedicated and uniquely experienced to defend against any types of criminal. Our team works tirelessly to give a voice to those accused of committing crime, in order to achieve the best possible result on behalf of our clients.
  3. Contact Information:
  5. Google +: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=4828527799488468376
  7. Website: https://sqattorneys.com
  9. Phone #: (425) 998-8384
  11. Address: 10675 Willows Road NE, #250, Redmond, WA 98052

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