
By Mature Meerkat, 10 Years ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 546 times.
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  1. [14:32][8]<Valkyrion De'halone> Unktehi  -  Lower La Noscea (22,36)
  2. [15:18][8]<Tasesho Rhuiren> Eastern La Noscea (17,33) hellclaw
  3. [15:19][8]<Valkyrion De'halone> Nahn  -  Western La Noscea (32,28)
  4. [15:23][8]<Valkyrion De'halone> Marraco  -  Coerthas Central Highlands (21,18)
  5. [15:34][4]<Debians Valentine> || Ghede Ti Malice || South Shroud (21,21)
  6. [16:00][8]<Wolfwood Trigun> maahes | east shroud (24,19)
  7. [16:15][1]<Sevvy Silenthus> Marberry Upper La Noscea (27,19)

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