Alaska Trophy Fishing Safaris, Nushagak River Fish

By silvanafishing69, 1 Year ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 119 times.
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  1. Surrounded by some of the most remote frontier country in North America. When you visit our fishing location, you never have to worry about combat fishing or scarcity of fish. Your fishing adventure will take place on the Mulchatna River, which is remote even by Alaskan standards. The Mulchatna is considered “one of the last great wild salmon strongholds.” The Bristol Bay fishery remains the best place in the world to target hard-fighting ocean-bright king salmon in their natural habitat.
  3. Company Details:
  4. Google:
  5. Website:
  6. Phone: (907) 299-1598
  7. Address: 38470 Greer Rd, Box 43, Homer, AK 99603

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