Myredbook,GOP,felons,Greg and Glen Chapel strike

By NOT perjuring,r*ping le, 1 Year ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 127 times.
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  1. Day 15 of October of 2023. After 11:15 a.m, in the terrorist, misogynistic, pro r*pe of women, pro murder of women, pro murder of lgntqia, pro r*pe of lgbtqia, pro murder of bipoc, pro r*pe of bipoc, pro child m*lestation, pro turning people illegally into felons, and criminals, republican / rethug "states" of America (which is ten trillion percent, multiplied by infinity worse than Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Mexico (in every way), combined). After 11:15 p.m.
  4. 100% of desk cops, traffic cops, highway cops, sergeants, lieutenants, sheriffs, deputies, sheriffs deputies, wardens, vice wardens, assistant wardens, chiefs of police, fire chiefs, hose people, fire truck drivers, superior court judges, presiding judges, state police officers, fbi agents, desk clerks, court clerks, stenographers, dispatchers, meter maids, bailiffs, file clerks, engineers, heavy rescue, Inspectors, fire captains, investigators, fire marshalls, deputy fire marshalls, airport rescue firefighters, elder abuse reporter / mandator, adult protective service person (er, criminal, er felon), criminals, er, felons that work at lifeline companies, criminals, er, felons that work for the IRS, emergency medical technicians,&, paramedics, throughout every city, town, suburb, jurisdiction, and state in the republican states of America have been receiving tons of money, pot / marijuana , ecstasy, lsd, cocaine, m*th, and heroin, from myredbook. com, republican, felons, s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x trafficking,  solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, assaulters, solicitors of assaulting, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, unwanted cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, blackhat hackers, unwanted blackhat hackers, solicitors of blackhat hacking, libel writers, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slandering, bribers, solicitors of bribery, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, 422 pc death threat makers, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, witness intimidators, solicitors of witness intimidation, obstructers of justice, solicitors of obstruction of justice, and CURRENT mafia members, Glen and Greg Chapel (2838 Concord lane, Santa Clara, ca, 95051, 4085007328, 4086060620, 4082475330) . ********************************************* They also are 100% on board with MURDERING a woman (see below) *********************************************. Additionally artificial intelligence, and blackhat hackers, like myredbook. com, republican, felons, s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x trafficking,  solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, assaulters, solicitors of assaulting, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, unwanted cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, blackhat hackers, unwanted blackhat hackers, solicitors of blackhat hacking, libel writers, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slandering, bribers, solicitors of bribery, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, 422 pc death threat makers, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, witness intimidators, solicitors of witness intimidation, obstructers of justice, solicitors of obstruction of justice, Cliff Liu (666 Fairlane Ave, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051), and Alexandra Dragonetti / Alexandra Battagin (2841 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051) are creating fake cases, throughout EVERY court, in every city, town, jurisdiction, and state. Not to mention, *everyone* (employed as / employed by) desk cops, traffic cops, highway cops, sergeants, lieutenants, sheriffs, deputies, sheriffs deputies, wardens, vice wardens, assistant wardens, chiefs of police, fire chiefs, hose people, fire truck drivers, superior court judges, presiding judges, state police officers, fbi agents, desk clerks, court clerks, stenographers, dispatchers, meter maids, bailiffs, file clerks, engineers, heavy rescue, Inspectors, fire captains, investigators, fire marshalls, deputy fire marshalls, airport rescue firefighters, elder abuse reporter / mandator, adult protective service person (er, criminal, er felon), criminals, er, felons that work at lifeline companies, criminals, er, felons that work for the IRS, emergency medical techs, &, paramedics, are able to be provided with 1 day olds, 2 day olds, 3 day olds, 4 day olds, 5 day olds, 6 days olds, week olds, two weeks olds, six month olds, 1 year olds, two year olds, three year olds, four year olds, five year olds, six year olds, seven year olds, eight year olds, and nine year olds (maximum age is nine) to have s*x with, and take p*rnagraphic videos, and pictures of. That's how sick this world is.
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  147. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  149. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  151. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  153. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  155. Part 1
  157. It's quite possible, that in this email, you will find a video of (myredbook. com, republicans) "Glen and Greg Chapel" r*ping me
  161. It is the actual video. (over 2 hours long)
  163. I trust that the video, and my mega account will *not* be tampered with.
  165. To watch it, in full, you will need to change your mac address, about 4 times. If you use windows, SMAC 2.0, is a good tool to accomplish that. It is safe.
  167. (I know a little about tech, and, computers, but I am not any kind of genius. My parents were "programmers". Mom, Stanford grad, in math, in 3 years. Dad, University of Michigan grad, electrical engineering. My mom did the programming for the Northern California Tennis association, free of charge, worked at IBM, where she met my dad, worked for TDS Healthcare, and Sun Microsystems. My dad worked for Trimble Navigation, Abbott Labs, TRW, IBM, Sun Microsystems (to get my mom to retire with him), and IBM (where my parents supposedly met). My dad also was a professor at De Anza for a short time, wrote (computer) books (, and ran a business from home. I am not anywhere as good with tech, and computers, as my parents)
  170. I was *not* allowed to lock my door, or, to put a lock on my door. A couple of months ago, I removed the strike plate, and amazingly, the door locked ! For a while, from time to time, I used a "hotel" lock (, when I really needed some sleep
  172. ****************** Oct 1 2023 ******************, done with noise cancelling earbuds, and with very minimal noise
  174. You can hear pictures being taken throughout this video.
  176. At no point in time, did I consent to any of this !
  178. I *never* willingly left my door open
  180. I *never* invited "Glen, or, Greg Chapel" into the room.
  182. There has *never* been any kind of romantic relationship between myself, or, either of the 2 ("Greg, or, Glen Chapel")
  184. Although you cannot see anything physical happening, it is very apparent, that one, or, both of them were in my room (with*out* invitation, and with*out* encouragement)
  186. Annotation below (I did a previous annotation, right after watching the video the first time. It's a little too lengthy)
  188. about 5:17 nose spray
  189. 6:52 nose spray ?
  190. 10:17 hand
  191. 13:20 hand
  192. 13:59 to 15:56 faint, but audible scratching / rustling , like using crutch
  193. 15:20 hand  
  194. 17:47 to 18:07 door opening, footsteps / loud thuds , papers rustling sound  
  195. 21:05 faint beep, like someone trying to take picture, not trying to make noise
  196. 23:19 hand
  197. 23:50 ish , camera click sound, again, trying to be quiet
  198. 24:45 sound like door opening again, or drawer opening, or someone trying to quietly step
  199. 26:19 hand
  200. 26:42 coughing / gagging ? in sleep    
  201. 29:25 hand
  202. 42:25, water bottle, on dresser ?, being knocked over    
  203. 46:42 something like a small rock being thrown against the wall , or door ?  
  204. 48:15, rain ?, but then quick metal like sound (like a flick against something metallic), until 53:20, 53:30 ish starts again
  205. 54:48, door click ?
  206. 55:16, camera sound
  207. around 1:04, very faint click, like a door opening, or, closing
  208. 1:05:24, something hit the door ?, or, door opened, loudly
  209. 1:08, 15 ish, something hit the floor
  210. 1:08 40 ish, someone pursing their lips, and calling like you would to a cat, making kissy sounds
  211. 1:12:10, rain ?
  212. 1:17:56, door opening,or,closing
  213. 1:25 2o ish loud noises, like the door opening, while pushing against something
  214. 1:27 30 ish, garbage people
  215. 1:32:45, door opens, or, closes
  216. 1:42 30 ish, door opening, and closing
  217. 1:48:32, door opening, or, closing ?
  218. 1:49 42 ish, not sure what sound was, maybe quiet door close
  219. 1:54:52, door ?
  220. 1:55:;23, drawer opened
  221. 1:56:07, turning in sleep ?
  222. 2:00:34, popping sound, like a can of pringles being opened
  223. 2:06:28, turning in sleep ?
  224. 2:12:55, door being closed ?
  225. 2:16:56, sounds like something was knocked over
  227. K**** W*****
  229. ________________________________________________________
  231. Part 2
  234. Groomed for sex trafficking/sex trafficking from a young age, attempted murder at age 15 or 16, stalking, attempted murder again, in 2017, and, so much more, all covered up by the United States , and covered up in California, using illegal witness intimidation, and obstruction of justice to silence me, among other things. This would not just be any case.
  236. For reasons that I cannot figure out, my life is meaningless to the United States, and to the state of California. To the United States, and California, I am not even human.
  238. The United States needs to be held accountable for these heinous crimes, in my humble opinion.
  240. The United States for me, has been like Hitler, and the Nazis.
  243. My family background is below, and below that, is quite a bit of what I have been subjected to.
  246. My mother, Greta Torp Watson, born in Norway, graduated from Stanford, in 3 years in math, and tutored NFL Jim Plunkett (, in English.
  248. My aunt, Vera Torp / Stucky (, is an OBGYN
  250. My grandmother, Gerd Torp, after coming to the United States, from Norway, was head nurse, at Sequoia Hospital, in Redwood City, California (170 Alameda de las Pulgas, Redwood City, CA 94062)
  252. My cousin, Erik, is a successful makeup artist (,
  254., My aunt, the mother of Erik, left out that she has worked for people like Arsenio Hall
  256. My dad, Wayne Watson, worked for IBM, TRW, Sun Microsystems, Abbott labs, and Trimble Navigation , to name a few (, https://tutor.python.narkiv,,
  258. And, finally, my brother,
  263. , @thefelongophouse2838concordln (youtube)
  267. September 20 2023, after 2:14 p.m.
  270. ****** Myredbook. com, the bigger picture. Massive cover up by myredbook. com, republican, felon, "l.e" (and paramedics / emts/ rescue personal (Wardens,associate,&,vice wardens,fire captains,firefighters,fire equipment operators,presiding judges,judges,corrections officers,deputies,sheriffs, sheriffs deputies,captains,stenographers,bailiffs,court clerks,courtroom clerks,dispatchers,sergeants, etc), conspiracy (it only takes two, and the crime does not have to have been pulled off), attempted murder, 10s of thousands of r*pes, if not 100s of thousands, or millions, stalking by myredbook. com, republican, felons, solicitation of stalking by myredbook. com, republican, felons, cyberstalking by myredbook. com, republican, felons, solicitation of cyberstalking by myredbook. com, republican, felons, assault by myredbook. com, republican, felons, solicitation of assault by myredbook. com, republican, felons, attacking by myredbook. com, republican felons, solicitation of attacking by myredbook. com, republican felons, 422 pc death threat making by myredbook. com, republican felons, bribery by myredbook. com, republican felons, solicitation of bribery by myredbook. com, republican felons, blackmail by by myredbook. com, republican felons, solicitation of blackmail by myredbook. com, republican felons, extortion by myredbook. com, republican felons, solicitation of extortion by myredbook. com, republican felons, kickback providing by myredbook. com, republican felons, solicitation of kickback providing by myredbook. com, republican felons, solicitation of kickback receiving by myredbook. com, republican felons, kickback receiving by myredbook. com, republican felons, solicitation of blackhat hacking by myredbook. com, republican felons, blackhat hacking by myredbook. com, republican felons, libel writing by myredbook. com, republican felons, solicitation of libel writing by myredbook. com, republican felons, slandering by myredbook. com, republican felons, solicitation of slandering by myredbook. com, republican felons, terr*rism by myredbook. com, republican felons, solicitation of terr*rism by myredbook. com, republican felons, perjury by myredbook. com, republican felons, solicitation of perjury by myredbook. com, republican felons, suborning of perjury by myredbook. com, republican felons, witness intimidation by myredbook. com, republican felons, solicitation of witness intimidation by myredbook. com, republican felons, obstruction of justice by myredbook. com, republican felons, solicitation of obstruction of justice by myredbook. com, republican felons, crazy making / gaslighting by myredbook. com, republican felons, financial abuse by myredbook. com, republican felons, illegal destruction of evidence by myredbook dot com, republican felons, etc ******
  271. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  276. (new, 9/20/2023, after 10:06 a.m.), with new information following the cease and desists ) Compilation of citizens arrests, and cease, and desists of / for , myredbook. com, republican, felon, "law enforcement", and myredbook. com, republican, felons (as well as additional info)(*not* spoken)
  279., Citizens arrest and cease and desist of myredbook. com, republican, felon, Greg Chapel, (2022, 11th day, June, after 9:50 p.m., California, United States time)
  281., Citizens arrest and cease and desist of myredbook. com, republican, felon, Glen Chapel (2022, 11th day, June, after 7:58 p.m., California, United States time)
  283., Citizens arrest and cease and desist of myredbook. com, republican, felon, @georgewherbert / George W Herbert (After 12:00 a.m., California, United States time, 6th month, 12th day, year of 2022)
  285., Citizens arrest and cease and desist of myredbook. com, republican, felon, @scotchfairy / Lee Thompson Herbert
  287., Citizens arrest and cease and desist of myredbook. com, republican, felons, at myredbook. com, republican, felonious "p dept"  (June 11th, 2022, after 6:58 p.m., California, United States time)
  289., Citizens arrest and cease and desist of myredbook. com, republican, felon, Ari Kriegsman, (1/28/2018, about 1:06 a.m.,California,United States time), 2nd one, 11 November 2018,
  291., Citizens arrest and cease and desist,, now non graduate of San Jose State University Maxim
  292. Integrated Products "Mike Hess",California,United States
  294., citizens arrest of former chief of police of Los Altos (94022) & Sunnyvale (94087),Don Johnson and every member of the Los Altos & Sunnyvale police departments, or every employee of the Los Altos & Sunnyvale police departments from Jan 1 1986 to September 26 2017 , PARTS 1,2 AND 3 ARE EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, ON SEPTEMBER 26 2017, AND ARE
  297., Citizens arrest,&,cease,&,desist, of myredbook. com, gop, felon, Cliff Liu (Day # 14, Six months into the year twenty twenty two. After midnight,or, after 12:55 a.m.)
  299., Citizens arrest,&,cease,&,desist, of myredbook. com, gop, felons, Alexandra Dragonetti and David Battagin (Halfway through the year of 2022, in terms of what month it is. Day number 12. After 8:07 p.m.,California,United States time)
  301., Citizens arrest,&,cease,&,desist, of myredbook. com, gop, felon, Aidan Keefe  (After 4:30 a.m., California, United States time, on the 12th day of the 6th month of 2022)
  303., Citizens arrest,&,cease,&,desist, of myredbook. com, gop, felon, Fernando Espinoza (June 11th, 2022, after 5:25 p.m., California, United States time)
  305., Citizens arrest,&,cease,&,desist, of myredbook. com, gop, felon, Dalphanie Truong (December 31st of the year of 2021. About 11:55 p.m. - originally)
  307., Citizens arrest,&,cease,&,desist, of myredbook. com, gop, felon, Breanna Trotter (2 days shy of Jan 1 2023 (30 days into December of 2022) About 1:45 p.m., California, United States time
  309., Citizens arrest,&,cease,&,desist, of myredbook. com, gop, felon, John Dragonetti (Just 1 more night to go before Jan 1 2023 (December 31st 2022) About 5:50 p.m., California, United States time
  311., This is a citizens arrest of EVERY republican, affiliated with law enforcement, or, politics, from (not kidding, 10 trillion, before b.c. / before dinosaurs), to present day, 5/25/2023, to ten trillion years from now (multiplied by infinity). This includes (corrupt) individuals affiliated with law enforcement, and politics, in any capacity, in any city, town, state, or, territory, in/ affiliated with, the United States. If you have been a republican, for 1 Nanosecond, or longer, involved with (corrupt) law enforcement, or, politics, in any city, town, state, or, territory, in / affiliated with the United States, you are under citizens arrest. This is ***** NOT ***** NEGOTIABLE. This means republican senators, republican house members, republican congress members, at the state, and federal levels. This means wardens, attorneys, law clerks, paralegals, construction people, gardeners , cleaners, janitors / custodians, computer security people, anyone working in any capacity for companies funding, or, profiting, (from) jails, and prisons, tech people, tech support people, judges, district attorneys, state police officers, police officers, sergeants, lieutenants, captains, sheriffs, deputies, stenographers, chiefs of police, meter maids, dispatchers, bailiffs, corrections officers, "fbi agents", anyone employed in any capacity, by the department of justice / doj, desk sergeants, jail personal, prison personal, psychiatrists, doctors, nurses, phlebotomists, nurses aids, psychologists, social workers, etc, etc, etc, etc. Again, this is ***** NOT ***** a joke !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Originally posted 5/25/2023. Everything has been VIOLATED, today, 5/26/2023)
  313., Citizens arrest,&,cease,&,desist, of myredbook. com, gop, felon, Scott Dewar (24 days into the new EXTREMELY CORRUPT YEAR of 2023 (not that every millisecond, of every day, of each month, of every year, is not filled with ENORMOUS CORRUPTION)
  314. About 10:20 p.m., California, United States time (Now, 26 days into this nightmare year of 2023, in the pro r*pe of women, pro r*pe of children, pro child m*lestation, women hating / misogynist, pro assault of lgbtqia, pro murder of lgbtqia, pro murder of women, pro impregnation of 5 though 9 year old that have their menses (and then murdering them once the child is born), pro felon myredbook. com, republican terrorist law enforcement United States
  315. About/around 9:55 p.m.)
  317., Update 11/12/2018, about 7:54 p.m., California United States time, Citizens arrests, and cease and desists for Summer Hamilton / Joni Schmidt / Joni D Schmidt / Julia Kitay / chemistry / delsnortto / Summerrayne/ Summerrayne73 / Joni Kitay / Julia Schmidt / Julia D Schmidt / Jonimacaroni67,
  318. (aka MVHS ( & Los Altos (94022), California resident, Mark Smith / @smittyhalibut (twitter), & EVERY SINGLE CHILD MOLESTING, ATTEMPTED MURDERING, PERJURING, RAPING, STALKING, SUBORN(ING) PERJURY, ASSAULTING, ASSAULTING WITH INTENT TO MURDER, etc etc etc etc "police officer", "sergeant", "lieutenant", "chief of police", etc etc etc etc etc ************************************************************************* EVER ************************************************************************* employed by the Los Altos "police" department (1 N San Antonio Rd, Los Altos, CA 94022), part time (especially Don Johnson (now, of course, in Lake Oswego, Oregon, to CONSPIRE / COLLUDE, with the cousin of /, republican, @georgewherbert (
  321. Edmond Zencirci, La Tosca, San Carlos, VERY important phone numbers, addresses, etc, at bottom
  322. filling in gaps,
  323. Other, to fill in gaps, excuse the language (
  325. Son of myredbook. com, republican, felon, Susan Crandall (, Eric Crandall, (had lab in Monterey, where myredbook. com, republican, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, pimp, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking, child m*lester, solicitor of child m*lesting,  422 pc death threat maker, stalker, solicitor of stalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slander, witness intimidator, obstructer of Justice,+, Richard Lyon Herbert (94022,92052,92037, 93955, 95021) resided. Myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Richard Lyon Herbert, did *not* just walk into a drug deal gone bad, in Oceanside, California. Myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Richard Lyon Herbert, was in on the drug deal. The celebrity manager cousin of myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Richard Lyon Herbert, was given an ultimatum, by his wife - quit the illegal drugs, and go to therapy, or get a divorce. Myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Richard Lyon Herbert, blamed the therapist of the wife for the breakdown of the marriage. Another cousin of myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Richard Lyon Herbert was booted from myredbook. com, republican, University of California at Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara, CA 93106), for selling, and using illegal drugs. Myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Richard Lyon Herbert moved to myredbook. com, republican, Pennsylvania with myredbook dot com, republican, felon, Eric Crandall
  328. Myredbook. com, republican, felon, "David Cipriano" is *not* dead, and was NEVER a server / waiter (Olive Garden, Palo Alto,Ca (2515 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306), or a car sales person (Honda, Palo Alto / Menlo Park). "David Cipriano" is a NARC / UNDERCOVER, worked / works at myredbook dot com, republican, University of California at San Francisco (505 Parnassus Ave. San Francisco, CA 94143) (pretending to be a phlebotomist - Was working with myredbook. com, republican, felon, Beth Kriegsman (, at myredbook dot com republican, University of California at San Francisco. "David Cipriano" made threats to the dad of Karen Watson, on the phone. The myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, Mountain View, "p.d." (1000 Villa St, Mountain View, CA 94041) came, fake arrested "David Cipriano", and sent Karen Watson, on her way, even though the apartment was in the name, etc, of Karen Watson. Karen Watson, by no accident, ended up at the apartment, of myredbook. com, republican, "Olive Garden" bartender", "red head" Kathy (also a lady of the night), who was providing m*th to myredbook dot com, republican, felon, Maxim Integrated products (120 San Gabriel Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94086) / Analaog Devices (3550 N 1st St. San Jose, CA 95134), "Mike Hess". Kathy had a girlfriend that was selling products for Mary Kay (, that was attending myredbook. com, republican, Mills College (5000 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94613) (pretending to be a progressive womans college , at the time - now Mills College at Northeastern University). The grandfather of myredbook. com, republican, felons, etc, etc, @georgewherbert / George W Herbert, &, Richard Lyon Herbert, was a chemistry professor at myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Mills College ( Myredbook. com, republican, felons, pretending to be democrats (really only Nancy Hess Dodge, pretends to be a democrat) ,Nancy Hess Dodge ( (nutrition major, in college), and Richard John Hess(, brother, and sister of myredbook. com, republican, felon, "Mike Hess, both attended myredbook. com, republican, felonious, University of California, at Davis (1 Shields Ave, Davis,Ca,95616, just like Karen Watson). Just like myredbook. com, republican, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, pimp, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking, child m*lester, solicitor of child m*lesting,  422 pc death threat maker, stalker, solicitor of stalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slander, witness intimidator, obstructer of Justice,+, Richard Lyon Herbert (94022,92052,92037, 93955, 95021), myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, "Mike Hess" is bi-s*xual, and, into bondage, domination, and sado masochism). Myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, "Mike Hess" attended s*x and love addicts anonymous, purchased used p*nties, that were sent to him, through the mail, had s*x with a male professor, that lived in Santa Cruz, had a dominatrix (Crystal Gale), that supposedly attended myredbook. com, republican, felonious, San Jose State University (1 Washington Sq, San Jose, CA 95192). Myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, "Mike Hess" also spent quite a bit of time at "strip clubs" (Cheetahs / the Kit Kat (907 E Arques Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085), HipHugger (48 W El Camino Real. Sunnyvale, CA 94087), Brass Rail (160 Persian Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089), and at the bdsm club, the Power Exchange in San Francisco (likely recruiting ladies of the night). Myredbook. com, republican, felon,etc, "Mike Hess" once lied and accused his colleague at Maxim Integrated products of stealing the br*s, and p*nties of Karen Watson, out of the washer, and dryer. The guy was (illegally) terminated / fired, because of myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, "Mike Hess". Myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, "Mike Hess" had taken the p*nties, and br*s of Karen Watson. Additionally, myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, "Mike Hess" had albums full of pictures of women he "dated" (most likely r*ped). Furthermore, myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, "Mike Hess" paid for s*x, with ladies of the night, that he met at Grand Central Sauna & Hot Tub (376 Saratoga Ave, San Jose, CA 95129)
  330. Returning to myredbook. com, republican, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, pimp, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking, child m*lester, solicitor of child m*lesting, 422 pc death threat maker, stalker, solicitor of stalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slander, witness intimidator, obstructer of Justice,+, Richard Lyon Herbert (94022,92052,92037, 93955, 95021) - he sold Hustler, playboy magazines, etc, to UNDERAGE *** kids *** at myredbook. com, republican, felonious Los Altos High (201 Almond Ave, Los Altos, CA 94022) (he sold them withOUT the covers). NOTHING happened to him, as a result. Moreover, before Karen Watson, there was a young lady that lived with the myredbook dot com, republican, Mob Herbert family (Waverly Lane, Los Altos), that worked at Tower Records (which went defunct, and now, has apparently, returned). She had a snake, and, evidently ended up on prozac (likely due to physical, s*xual, and emotional abuse, at the hands of myredbook. com, republican, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, pimp, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking, child m*lester, solicitor of child m*lesting,  422 pc death threat maker, stalker, solicitor of stalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slander, witness intimidator, obstructer of Justice,+, Richard Lyon Herbert (94022,92052,92037, 93955, 95021). Like myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, "Mike Hess", myredbook. com, republican, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, pimp, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking, child m*lester, solicitor of child m*lesting,  422 pc death threat maker, stalker, solicitor of stalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slander, witness intimidator, obstructer of Justice,+, Richard Lyon Herbert (94022,92052,92037, 93955, 95021), "attended" hot tub or*y / s*x parties (only myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, "Mike Hess" was involved in hot tub or*y / s8x parties, in myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Lake Tahoe). Don't forget, myredbook. com, republican, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, pimp, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking, child m*lester, solicitor of child m*lesting, 422 pc death threat maker, stalker, solicitor of stalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slander, witness intimidator, obstructer of Justice,+, Richard Lyon Herbert (94022,92052,92037, 93955, 95021) had the parents of a young lady, named Kara Kinson (sp ?) (lived in the same state as L.L. Bean headquarters) fly him out (even though he did not need someone else to pay for his ticket). Upon his return to myredbook. com, republican, felonious Los Altos (94022), her parents ent a letter to him, and his parents. Karen Watson, was allowed to read it, for whatever reason. The letter stated that myredbook. com, republican, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, pimp, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking, child m*lester, solicitor of child m*lesting, 422 pc death threat maker, stalker, solicitor of stalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slander, witness intimidator, obstructer of Justice,+, Richard Lyon Herbert (94022,92052,92037, 93955, 95021) was *not* to have any further contact with their daughter (USPS, UPS, email, aol instant messenger, etc)
  332. On to myredbook. com, republican, pretending to be a democrat, is really a republican, attorney Jeff Feinberg ( / @rddedhd (twitter). He attended the same law school as Bruce Tollner ( (uncle of Ryan Tollner ( Roethlisberger is his cousin) - who Karen Watson sat next to 1st grade through 8th grade (teachers chose seating) - the dad of Ryan Tollner was the baseball coach of Karen Watson, when the dad of NFL Zack Walz ( was not her coach. Zach Walz, btw, was the one of the most arrogant, and biggest a**holes, in the world. That law school, was the same law school attended by the late wife of the "ex professor", Peter Reischl (, of myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, "Mike Hess" . The dad of myredbook. com, republican, pretending to be a democrat, Jeff Feinberg, co-owned a LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, with the NFL New York Giant, Tony. Karen Watson, met Tony at Hanukkah, and Passover "get togethers" / "events". The brother of myredbook. com, republican, felon, Jeff Feinberg / @rddedhd, has been a reporter for UCLA. One of the close friends of myredbook. com, republican, pretending to be a democrat, Jeff Feinberg / @rddedhd, was vice president of some company (his name is Greg). Greg has a daughter (Katie ?), that like Karen Watson, played on American Youth Soccer Association teams, before playing on an American Youth Soccer Association team, at the same time she started playing on a California Youth Soccer Association team (same age that Karen Watson, did that). Like Karen (at the same age), Katie ? switched to California Youth Soccer Association, full time, eventually. The wife of Greg attended myredbook. com, republican, felonious University at California at Davis (1 Shields Ave, Davis, Ca, 95616), like Karen Watson
  335. Myredbook. com, republicans, @rddedhd / Jeff Feinberg, and Kim Flomenhoft ( (Karen thought Kim, and her (Karen) had been friends from fifth grade through at least the first two years of college), "worked together" at myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Cal State At Hayward / Cal State East Bay (25800 Carlos Bee Blvd, Hayward, CA 94542). Mark Flomenhoft (, sat on boards with Larry Sonsini, of Wilson, Sonsini,Goodrich, and Rosatti ( Greta Torp Watson (graduated from Stanford (Stanford University 450 Jane Stanford Way Stanford, CA 94305–2004) in 3 years, with a degree in math, tutored NFL Jim Plunkett (, in English), the mother of Karen Watson, played on tennis teams with the late Barbara Sonsini ( with that being the case, Karen Watson spent a fair amount of time at the home of the Sonsinis when they lived in Los Altos hills
  337. Myredbook dot com, canNOT be an attorney (moral turpitude -,commission%20of%20a%20criminal%20offense), Alex Prazma, was booted to myredbook. com, republican, felonious Cupertino High School (10100 Finch Ave, Cupertino, CA 95014), where Barbara Sonsini taught, after being botted from myredbook. com, republican, felonious Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View, Ca, 94040). Myredbook dot com, republican, felon, Alex Prazma, was only ever absent ONE DAY IN HIS LIFE, and that was the day of the first attempted murder of Karen Watson (June 8 1992)
  339. Circling back to myredbook dot com, republican, Cal State at Hayward / Cal State East Bay, (25800 Carlos Bee Blvd, Hayward, CA 94542), the physical therapist, that Karen Watson had (after her formerly dominant right femur, was criminally broken, march 24 2017 - she spent 5 days in the hospital, losing a little over half her blood) at San Jose Physical Therapy (125 N Jackson Ave Ste 201), withOUT Karen Watson having said a word, knew the entire life story of Karen Watson. That "physical therapist" lived, at the time, about 2 minutes away from myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Mob Herbert family members (@georgewherbert / George W Herbert,&, @scotchfairy / Lee Thompson Herbert), in myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, Hayward, California (with myredbook. com, republican, felons, Jeff Feinberg / @rddedhd, &, Kim Flomenhoft, "right around the corner" at myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, Cal State at Hayward / Cal State East Bay). That physical therapist had a second job, at one point (at a shoe store), in myredbook dot com, republican, felonious Berkeley, where myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, @georgewherbert / George W Herbert, attended myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, University at California at Berkeley (110 Sproul Hall #5800, Berkeley, CA 94720-5800)
  341. Then, there is myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, "Eric Nealon" (Chevys (2116 W El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA), Cattlemans (502 Ross Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089), Black Angus (1011 Blossom Hill Rd, San Jose, CA 95123).Now at NPI ( He worked for his friend (at a start up, getting 4 hours of sleep a night, sleeping there, for a while). Another friend did the air brushing for the California Motorcycle company. His grandmother, attended Castilleja all girls school (, 1310 Bryant St, Palo Alto, CA 94301), just like Kim Flomenhoft. His mother ("Shelley Nealon") (, like Greta Torp Watson, graduated from Stanford. More than likely, he is related to Springer Elementary School (1120 Rose Ave, Mountain View, Ca, 94040) , Blach Junior High (1120 Covington Rd, Los Altos, CA 94024), Saint Francis High School (1885 Miramonte Ave, Mountain View, CA 94040), and the University of California at San Diego, Jennifer Bliss. His grandmother having attended Castilleja explains why there was some random guy, from Cadence, with a Cadence Design Systems badge, on, at Chevys
  343. The daughter of San Jose, Clidean Sliger (Branham Self Storage) (another lady of the night / escort/ courtesan, after "real work"), Brtyne Sliger, married a friend of myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, "Eric Nealon". A young lady (Jules / Julie (that even at a very young age, identified as a dominatrix), that had parents that graduated from Stanford, did confirm to Karen Watson, that Clidean was / is ?, an escort. Blach Junior High, and myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View, Ca, 94040), Leslie Johnson, was / is ? friends with Clidean Sliger.
  345. The friend of myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, "Eric Nealon", the other Chevys manager (94040), Bernard Pailma ( (who took female servers to raves, and plied them with ecst*sy, l*d, and pot), and eventual general manager at Chevys in Sunnyvale, lived about a 2 minute drive away from the myredbook dot com, republican, felon, Mob, Herbert family members, in Gilroy, California
  348. ***** Added, after 11 p.m., 9/16/2023
  351. Like myredbook. com, republican, Yourvictorygirl ( / thegildedrose ( / @lubylarue ( / Ruby Pratt / Ruby Rose / Ruby Rose Pratt / Ruby Rose Kriegsman / Ruby Kriegsman (, the sister ("Rachel Cipriano"- of *not* a server / *not* a car sales person, 'David Cipriano" attended Boston University.
  353. The ex wife of myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara,Ca,95051, 4085007328) served him with divorce papers in 2003. Her name is Robyn Chapelsky ( Divorce records *were* online, through the Roseville ? superior court ? This (3724 French Ave
  354. Sacramento, CA 95821) is the correct address. For whatever reason, Phyllis R Childs is paying the rent for the ex wife of myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Greg Chapel, paying for the medical coverage for Robyn Chapelsky, paying for the dental work for Robyn Chapelsky, etc, etc. Myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Greg Chapel canNOT have contact with his ex wife, or, kids. Myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Greg Chapel, MUST go through Phyllis R Childs. Phyllis R Childs relays everything to Robyn Chapelsky. Myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel, refused to sign the divorce papers until 2018. Myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel, was waiting for his 401K, from Jan Marini. No worries, myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel, probably stole upwards of $250,000 worth of product from Jan Marini (5883 Rue Ferrari, San Jose, CA 95138) (if Jan Marini did *not* allow employees to take products home, for free). Of course, myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel, did *not* tell his ex wife about the 301K, or Phyllis R Childs, either. In addition, the myredbook dot com, republican, felon, doctor, Joseph Walters ( Walters has New York, and Los Gatos, in common with myredbook dot com, prtending to be a doctor, is actually, corrupt doj, Ari Kriegsman) told myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel, that he does ***** not ***** have multiple sclerosis, and, that at most, a bulging disk (in his back) is responsible for all of the issues that myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel, has. Yet, myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, Joseph Walters signed off on the social security disability, and, social security papers, for myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel. In addition, myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, Joseph walters, asked myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel, to ask Karen Watson to be his patient (probably to pimp out Karen Watson). Just in case you are wondering, myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel has *not* had any new "lesions" in something like 30 years, drives a vehicle (with NO modifications), and can move at least three to four bags worth of groceries (25 to about 60 pounds each), and 2 watermelons (20 to 40 lbs ?0 into the house with no problems (all at the same time). He can then take those watermelons and place them on the elevated counter, in the kitchen, chop them up, (and, finish them off). Plus, myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel can get up and down the stairs in about 45 seconds. When myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel, thinks nobody is looking, or is comfortable enough around people, he will stop faking. It gets better. At one point, myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel, crashed his car into a house. He told (corrupt) po po, that he was tired, coming back to Saratoga ?, Cupertino ?, Santa Clara ?, from Sacramento, after seeing his ex wife, and kids. Corrupt po po did *nothing*. Wonder why that is ? Was / is, myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel, providing corrupt pop po with underage k8ds ? to have s*x with ?! Not to mention, by that point, Robyn Chapelsky likely served him with divorce papers. In addition, myredbook dot com, republican, pretending to be a doctor, is actually corrupt doj, Ari Kriegsman, "stops in" at the Better Health Pharmacy (725 E Santa Clara St #202, San Jose, CA 95112), "from time to time' (the pharmacy that sends the medications to myredbook. com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, attacker, solicitor of attacking, assaulter, solicitor of assaulting, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, attempted murderer, solicitor of murdering, "ex mafia member", Greg Chapel, that he does *not* need)
  356. Reminder, myredbook dot com, republican, pretending to be a doctor,is actually corrupt doj, Ari Kriegsman, had a profile, on (, indicating he had visited Point Reyes, Inverness, Marin, where the myredbook dot com, republican, felon, Mon Herbert family members, had a home / property, as well, as another location, where the myredbook. com, republican, Mob Herbert family members had another property / home. Of course, as a method of crazy making / gaslighting, the profile was taken down. Fyi, when Karen Watson first met myredbook. com, republican, felon, pretending to be a doctor, is actually corrupt DOJ Ari Kriegsman, Karen met someone else (a female) just prior, that knew the brother ( of Karen Watson, had Guillain Barre Syndrome, at one point. Karen, btw, was diagnosed with attention deficit hyper activity disorder by a so called learning disability specialist, affiliated with myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, University of California at Davis (1 Shields Ave, Davis, Ca, 95616), who failed to disclose that fact, instead telling Karen, she / Karen Watson, that she / karen Watson is/was, a "neat messy pie". Of her own, accord, at a later date, probably in 2005 to 2006, Karen Watson, was retested (over the course, of 6 to 8 weeks), by a female psychiatrist, in Lafayette, California. That female psychiatrist, incidentally, attended myredbook. com, republican, felonious, University at California, at Davis (1 Shields Ave, Davis, Ca, 95616). That female psychiatrist exclaimed to karen Watson, that she / Karen Watson, is the walking, talking, definition of ADHD / attention deficit hyper activity disorder. After starting medication, the psychiatrist remarked that everyone in the building, where the psychiatrist had an office, had come up to her, and said "wow, Karen Watson, on the medication, was a completely different, and improved version of herself". In any event, because of the adhd ?, Karen could not remember, immediately, that what her brother had, was Guillain Barre Syndrome. While Karen Watson, paused to recall what her brother had, the woman that Karen Watson met just prior to becoming acquainted with myredbook. com, pretending to be a doctor, is actually corrupt DOJ Ari Kriegsman, came up with Guillain Barre Syndrome, seemingly "out of the blue"
  358. Furthermore, Cary Kriegsman (, attended myredbook dot com, republican, felonious University of California at Berkeley, just like myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, @georgewherbert / George W Herbert
  360. And, myredbook. com, republican, Yourvictorygirl ( / thegildedrose ( / @lubylarue ( / Ruby Pratt / Ruby Rose / Ruby Rose Pratt / Ruby Rose Kriegsman / Ruby Kriegsman (, has a "vintage store" in myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, Berkeley
  362. No worries, either, when "Rachel Cipriano" was casino hostess, at Aliante Casino, she lived 7 miles ? ( from myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, non existent John Doffing / Fake Bigwallgraphics / Fake Big Wall Graphics / Fake Walls360 / Fake Walls 360 (is actually the grandson of the late John Wilson, of Wilson, Sonsini,Goodrich,&,Rosatti)
  364. **** Do **** not **** forget, the chemistry honors teacher (Advanced Physics - Joe Guthrie, Fairview High School, in the state of Colorado)
  365. , of Karen Watson, Joe Guthrie, lived in Point Ryes, Inverness, Marin, where the myredbook dot com, republican, Mob Herbert family, had a home / property, and offered to write the college recommendation for Karen Watson if Karen applied to myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, University of California at Santa Barbara (UC Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, California 93106) (where the cousin of myredbook dot com, republican, felons, etc, etc, Richard Lyon Herbert, and @georgewherbert / George W Herbert, was booted out of, for selling, &, using, illegal drugs). Again, the grandfather of myredbook. com, republican, felons, etc, etc, @georgewherbert / George W Herbert, &, Richard Lyon Herbert, was a chemistry professor at myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Mills College (when it was a womans college)( According to this ( Joe Guthrie lived in Saratoga, as well, where members of the myredbook dot com, republican, Hess (e.g. Mike Hess) family have lived. Karen Watson declined the offer of Joe Guthrie, and instead had a teacher, that had left teaching for a while, to be a monk (graduated from Stanford, with his degree in math) write the recommendation
  368. Obviously, myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Gary Herbert (, gave myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, (*not* deceased) Ben Bakst, his start in the realtor world, as well as myredbook dot com, republican (main suspect in the attempted murder of Karen Watson, June 8 1992), canNOT be an attorney (moral turpitude), Alex Prazma. Obviously, myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, Alex Prazma, moving to the David area, when Karen Watson was attending myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, University of California at Davis (1 Shields ave, Davis, Ca, 95616) was *not* an accident. Myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Alex Prazma violated the lifetime restraining order against him, by moving to the Davis Area, while Karen Watson, was attending myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, University of California at Davis (and, likely his parole / probation, as well). Karen Watson gad mentioned to myredbook dot com, republican, Simon Pitfield ( (his mom had Lupus, like myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, @scotchfairy/Lee Thompson Herbert), how she / Karen Watson, could feel the presence of myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, Alex Prazma. Simon Pitfield, of course, told Karen Watson, she was probably just imagining things. Then again, myredbook dot com, republican, Simon Pitfield, admitted to having s8x with a young lady that was bipolar (and drunk), that had also been having s8x with the fencing opponent of Simon Pitfield. Myredbook dot com, republican, Simon Pitfield, incidentally, like the mom of Karen Watson (Greta Torp Watson, Stanford grad, 3 years, math), majored in math. Which brings us to the next point. Karen Watson was eventually placed in a dorm room, at myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, University of California at Davis (1 Shields Ave,Davis, Ca, 95616), with an Asian American escort / courtesan / lady of the night. Both myredbook dot com, republican, Simon Pitfield, and to be judge, Chrstine Carlson (, told Karen Watson *not* to say anything to the mom of the dorm-mate / escort/ courtesan, if her mom called, about the fact that she was always out with a bunch of different men. The myredbook dot com republican, felonious, University of California at Davis (1 Shields Ave, Davis, Ca, 95616) was aware that the young lady was an escort / lady of the night / courtesan, and specifically said that the young lady had difficulty keeping roommates. Karen Watson did *not* grasp the fact, at that point, that the to be roommate / dorm-mate was, in fact, a courtesan / lady of the night. The interesting thing is, that this to be dorm-mate, and Karen Watson, were on the quiet floor, or, in the quiet dorm at myredbook. com, republican, felonious, University of California at Davis (1 Shields Ave, Davis, Ca, 95616). 99.9% certain, that to be judge Christine Carlson knew the myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, Mob Herbert family prior to Karen Watson ever being introduced to her / Christine Carlson. Almost immediately after Karen Watson met Christine Carlson, Christine, "out of nowhere", said to Karen Watson "I've read (some teen books (by VC Andrews), that were considered pretty "steamy" at the time, and actually were "steamy") too", and then started to talk about other books she (Christine Carlson) had read, that Karen Watson read, growing up. Another person Karen Watson got to know at myredbook dot com, republican, felonious University of California at Davis (1 Shields Ave,Davis,Ca,95616), was someone named Kevin (over the summer). Kevin came up to Karen Watson, and *not* the other way around. Kevin, like the brother of Karen Watson (, was / is ? an avid rock climber, and like the brother of Karen Watson (not sure if the parents of Karen Watson, ever found out), drove a BMW motorcycle (uncertain what kind of motorcycle David Watson had). Kevin made a point of emphasizing that humans are one of the only species to attempt monogamy, pretty soon after introducing himself to Karen Watson. Plus, Kevin volunteered that he was half Jewish / half Norwegian. By way of her mom (Stanford grad, in 3 years, in math, Greta Torp Watson, Karen Watson, is half Norwegian. Through research, in the last few years, Karen Watson, discovered her dad could be half, or, a quarter Jewish. The aunt of Karen Watson, Stacey Powells Lyster (,, is Jewish, which makes the cousin, Erik Torppe (,, of Karen Watson, half Jewish, half Norwegian. Karen Watson, only discovered that her Aunt is Jewish, and that her cousin is half Jewish, half Norwegian, in the last year to two years
  372. Karen Watson met Ben Bakst, when she / Karen Watson was a **** minor / underage ***, in La Jolla, California, on Bird Rock Ave. Ben Bakst, and myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Richard Lyon Herbert, were having dinner together. Fyi, Ben Bakst grew up in myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, Davis (95616), California ( At no point in time, was Karen Watson aware thar Ben Bakkst had grown up in myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, Davis, California. Ben Bakst mentioned Anne Rice, and the bondage, domination, and sado masochism books written by Anne Rice (, to Karen Watson, briefly, while he was having dinner with myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Richard Lyon Herbert, and recommended that she / Karen Watson, read the books. Karen Watson would *not* learn about what bondage, domination, and sado masochism was / is, until she met, myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Maxim Integrated Products / Analog Devices, "Mike Hess" (in her / Karen Watson, mid to late twenties)
  374. Getting back to myredbook. com, republican, pretending to be a democrat, corrupt attorney, @rddedhd / Jeff Feinberg ( - he, at some point, lived with the attorney for Playboy.
  380. Added after 1 a.m., September 18, 2023
  383. Then, at one point, Karen Watson, was sent to Justin Lo (2101 Forest Ave #220a, San Jose, CA 95128), for "pain management". Justin Lo,1) did *not* know there are different types of ivs (,%3A%20hypotonic%2C%20hypertonic%20and%20isotonic.,, 2) lived / lives on Orange Ave, Los Altos, Ca, (779 Orange Ave, Los Altos, CA, 94022-3950) ( and myredbook. com, republican, "realtor", Gary Herbert, lived / lives, at 506 Orange Ave Los Altos, CA 94022 ( Justin Lo had 18, 19, 20,21, 22, 23 year olds in his office, talking about their $700 pair of jeans, and their $1500, or more, purses. He also had one young lady burst into the office, interrupting the appointment of Karen Watson. That young lady "cozied up to" Justin Lo, giving him kisses on the cheek, and acting like his girlfriend (she was Caucasian, and probably about 22 years old)
  385. Coming back to Joe Guthrie (chemistry honors, chemistry, physics honors, at myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View High), who volunterred to write the college recommendation for Karen watson, if she applied to myredbook dot com, republican, felonious University of California, at Santa Barbara (where the cousin of myredbook dot com, republican, felons, etc, etc, @georgewherbert / George W Herbert, &, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, child m*lester, assaulter, solicitor of assault, solicitor of child m*lestation, pimp, stalker, solicitor of stalking, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slander, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback receiving, kickback receiver, witness intimidater, obstructor of justice, etc, Richard Lyon Herbert, was booted out of for selling, and using illegal drugs - the wife of Joe Guthrie, Lisa R Schneyer, lived at 560 Pierce Point Rd #R Inverness, CA 94937. The myredbook dot com, republican, Mob Herbert family had a home in Point Reyes, Inverness, Marin, Ca. The grandfather of myredbook dot com, republican, felons, etc, etc, @georgewherbert / George W Herbert, &, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, child m*lester, assaulter, solicitor of assault, solicitor of child m*lestation, pimp, stalker, solicitor of stalking, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slander, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, briber, solicitor of bribery, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback receiving, kickback receiver, witness intimidater, obstructor of justice, etc, Richard Lyon Herbert, was a chemistry professor ( at myredbook dot com, republican, felonious Mills college (5000 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94613 (when it was a womans college))
  387. The husband of myredbook dot com, republican, Ap English, Kathy Dewar, at myredbook dot com, republican, felonious Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave,Mountain View,Ca,94040), Scott Dewar, does nude photography, and did photography, for women, etc, on sites like myredbook. com ( Scott Dewar could send so many of his clients, from Site Perfect Research ( to women on sites like myredbook dot com
  391. Added after 9:46 p.m., 9/18/2023
  393. Next, Karen Watson was also sent to Comprehensive Spine & Sports Center: Annu Navani, MD. There, instead of seeing Annu Navani, Karen Watson saw Dr. Semyon Faynboym ( You can see he attended myredbook dot com, republican,  felonious, University of California at Davis (1 Shields Ave,Davis,Ca,95616). Before he had his profile removed from, showed that he is a **** g*n enthusiast ****. Also, apparently removed from the internet, was proof that Semyon Faynboym is a republican, and, that he fenced at myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, University at California at Davis (just like myredbook dot com,pretending to be a democrat, Simon Pitfield ( Again, the removal of the information, being another crazy making / gaslighting kind of thing. Probably within five minutes of meeting him Semyon Faynboym admitted to knowing myredbook. com, republican, Simon Pitfield ( At one point, he lived in Fremont, Ca (, .3 miles away from myredbook dot com, pretending to be a doctor, is actually corrupt doj, Ari Kriegsman. One of the frist things Karen Watson said to graduate of myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, University of California at Davis, Semyon Faynboym, is that she would not take antidepressants for pain, due to the fact that antidepressants speed up a persons "path down the road to osteoporosis" (, M*ron countered with "you are smart. Well, then I will not give you anxiety medication, because anxiety medication also gets you to osteoporosis faster." Karen Watson *never* uttered  word about anxiety medication. She would bet every penny in the world though (if she had it) that myredbook dot com, republican, felon, r*ping, soliciting r*pe, soliciting s*xual assault, s*xual assaulting,  s*x traff*cking, soliciting s*x traff*cking, soliciting murder, attempted murdering, stalking, soliciting stalking, libel writing, soliciting libel writing, assaulting, soliciting assault, soliciting bribery, bribing, soliciting blackmail, blackmailing, soliciting extortion, extorting, soliciting  kickback providing, kickback providing, soliciting  kickback receiving, kickback receiving, perjuring, suborning perjury, soliciting perjury, obstructer of justice, witness intimidator,  etc, "ex mafia member, Glen Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, 4082475330, 4086060620), brought up anxiety medication, to him. Rohypnol is a benzodiazepine (anti anxiety)  
  398. ********************** September 19 2023, Added after 6:12 p.m. ********************** (New Jersey, and New Mexico connections between myredbook dot com, republicans, @georgewherbert (Twitter / X) / George W Herbert, @scotchfairy / Lee Thompson Herbert, Greg Chapel, Glen Chapel, Bill/Memo Hinckley, Paul Feinberg, brother of myredbook. com, republican, pretending to be a democrat @rddedhd / corrupt attorney Jeff Feinberg, and myredbook dot com, republican, pretending to be doctor, is actually corrupt doj Ari Kriegsman
  400. Lookie here - Dad of myredbook dot com, republican, Mob Herbert family member (schizophrenic, illegally deputized) Alice Wistar Herbert ( ********************** (Born in Woodbury, N. J.,) ********************** (Westtown School is a Quaker, coeducational, college preparatory day and boarding school for students in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. Westtown School is a Quaker, coeducational, college preparatory day and boarding school for students in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade, located in West Chester, Pennsylvania, United States, 20 miles west of Philadelphia. Founded in 1799 by the Religious Society of Friends.) Haverford College. Haverford College is a private liberal arts college in Haverford, Pennsylvania. It was founded as a men's college in 1833 by members of the Religious Society of Friends. Haverford began accepting non-Quakers in 1849 and women in 1980
  402. So, there is the ********************** New Jersey connection ********************** between the myredbook dot com, repoublican, MOB Herbert family, &, myredbook dot com, republican, felon, pretending to be a doctor, is actually corrupt DOJ, Ari Kriegsman.
  404. We would be remiss, if we did not mention, that myredbook dot com, republican, pretending to be a car salesman, and a server / waiter "David Cipriano", also was into sailing, or came from a (so called) family that was into sailing
  409. 4, born abt 1936
  410. Birthplace California
  411. Gender Male
  412. Race White
  413. Home in 1940
  414. 40 Aster Road
  415. Hillsborough,
  416. San Mateo, California
  417. Household Members Age
  418. Head George C Herbert 40
  419. Wife Lucille L Herbert 33
  420. Son George L Herbert 4
  421. Son John C Herbert 2
  422. Daughter Lucille A Herbert 6/12
  423. Servant Jane E Kush 28
  428. Carroll "Jill Wistae Hatier"
  434. Carmoreau Hatier, 90, of Skamokawa, died April 17, 2018. He was born in Chicago on July 22, 1928 to Carmoreau and Beatrice (Guittard) Hatier.
  436. His father was an army officer in command of a fort near Chicago. They lived in Chicago, then New York City until he was five, when his father was put in charge of the army base in Bagio, the Philippines. They were in Bagio until the onset of WWII when they were shipped to Fort Vancouver. His father was in Army Intelligence and Carmoreau went to Beaumont School in Portland, where the family lived until his father, becoming ill, was transferred to the army hospital in the Presideo in San Francisco. His father died there and his mother, having been born in the city, remained there for the rest of her life.
  438. Carmoreau went to Marina Jr. High and then on to Lowell High School. He graduated from San Francisco State College and received a MS in Psychology. He worked as a clinical psychologist, specializing in substance abuse counseling first in the Bay area and then, as a Metis with connections in Canada. He moved his focus to Alberta and Manitoba and in 1987 bought a small ranch in western Montana near the Canadian border.
  440. ********* He sang in Pow Wow's in the San Francisco Bay Area and in Western Montana. He married Jill Wistar in the Mills College Chapel in 1960 and they bought a house in Berkeley, then had their daughter, Kezha Guittard Hatier, now Kezha Hatier-Riess who currently lives in ********************** Santa Fe, New Mexico. **********************
  441. ********* In 2010 he was hit by a rare brain disorder and ended in a wheel chair, only remembering bits of his past.
  443. A service will be held in Marin County, California on June 10.
  450. Bill G Hinckley
  451. Age 52 (Feb 1971)
  452. Current Address
  453. 2300 Richmond Ave #415
  454. Houston, TX 77098
  455. 230 Bed | 0 Bath | 250,849 Sq Ft | Built 2007
  456. Harris County
  457. (Jul 2003 - Sep 2023)
  460. 2300 Richmond Ave #308
  461. Houston, TX 77098
  462. Harris County
  463. (Apr 2016 - Nov 2017)
  464. 2233 Welch St #1
  465. Houston, TX 77019
  466. Harris County
  467. (Jul 2003 - Nov 2018)
  468. 1226 Curtiss Ave
  469. Ames, IA 50010
  470. Story County
  471. (Jul 2003 - Feb 2014)
  472. PO Box 3211
  473. ********************** Socorro, NM 87801
  474. Socorro County **********************
  475. (Jul 2003 - Jul 2012)
  476. 5635 Chelsea Ave
  477. La Jolla, CA 92037
  478. San Diego County
  479. (Sep 1989 - Sep 2022)
  480. 2819 Mission Blvd
  481. San Diego, CA 92109
  482. San Diego County
  483. (Aug 2003 - Jun 2010)
  484. 1301 Sherman Ave #75
  485. Chico, CA 95926
  486. Butte County
  487. (Feb 2002 - Jun 2010)
  488. 4830 Mortensen Rd #121
  489. Ames, IA 50014
  490. Story County
  491. (Oct 2015)
  492. 4800 Mortensen Rd
  493. Ames, IA 50014
  494. Story County
  495. (Aug 2013)
  496. 647 W 2nd Ave #6
  497. Chico, CA 95926
  498. Butte County
  499. (Oct 1999 - Jan 2009)
  500. 716 Jamaica Ct
  501. San Diego, CA 92109
  502. San Diego County
  503. (Dec 2006)
  504. 6767 Amherst St
  505. San Diego, CA 92115
  506. San Diego County
  507. 2597 Worden St
  508. San Diego, CA 92110
  509. San Diego County
  510. (Oct 2005)
  511. 5639 Chelsea Ave
  512. La Jolla, CA 92037
  513. San Diego County
  514. (Jan 1995 - Jan 2004)
  515. PO Box 663
  516. Chico, CA 95927
  517. Butte County
  518. (Jun 2003)
  519. 2730 Burnap Ave #3
  520. Chico, CA 95973
  521. Butte County
  522. (Oct 2002)
  523. 2303 Bar Triangle St
  524. Chico, CA 95928
  525. Butte County
  526. (Dec 2001 - Jul 2002)
  527. 360 7th Ave
  528. Santa Cruz, CA 95062
  529. Santa Cruz County
  530. (Oct 2001 - Jul 2002)
  531. 2888 Chesterfield Dr
  532. Santa Cruz, CA 95062
  533. Santa Cruz County
  534. (Oct 2001 - Jul 2002)
  535. 1301 Sheridan Ave #75
  536. Chico, CA 95926
  537. 18130 Bayview Dr
  538. Los Gatos, CA 95033
  539. Santa Clara County
  540. (Mar 2001 - Jan 2002)
  541. 338 Nord Ave #D
  542. Chico, CA 95926
  543. Butte County
  544. (Mar 1999 - Oct 2011)
  545. 13997 Stetson Ct
  546. Magalia, CA 95954
  547. Butte County
  548. (Dec 2001)
  549. 1115 W Sacramento Ave #21
  550. Chico, CA 95926
  551. Butte County
  552. (Jul 1999 - Oct 2011)
  553. 706 London St
  554. San Francisco, CA 94112
  555. San Francisco County
  556. (Dec 1997 - Oct 2011)
  557. 3604 Hartnett Blvd
  558. Isle Of Palms, SC 29451
  559. Charleston County
  560. (May 1997 - Oct 2011)
  561. ********************** 112 Bob St
  562. Santa Fe, NM 87501
  563. Santa Fe County
  564. (May 1995 - Jun 1996)
  565. 252 Plaza Canada
  566. Santa Fe, NM 87501
  567. Santa Fe County
  568. (Mar 1995 - Apr 1995) **********************
  569. 1615 Greenfield Ave #15
  570. Los Angeles, CA 90025
  571. Los Angeles County
  572. (May 1992)
  573. 2233 Welch St #6
  574. Houston, TX 77019
  575. Harris County
  576. (Jun 2018)
  579., People in Your Neighborhood: Meet La Jolla artist, photographer Sharon Hinckley
  588. George R Chapel
  589. Age 67 (Jan 1956)
  592. 1729 Ava Ave
  593. Las Cruces, NM 88012
  594. 3 Bed | 2 Bath | 1,446 Sq Ft | Built 2013
  595. Dona Ana County
  596. (Apr 1999 - Sep 2023)
  600. Previous Addresses
  601. 2685 Calle De Parian #2
  602. Mesilla Park, NM 88047
  603. Dona Ana County
  604. (May 2006 - Mar 2014)
  605. 2685 De Parian Clle
  606. Mesilla, NM 88046
  607. Dona Ana County
  608. (Nov 1996 - Mar 2014)
  609. 1514 Pebble Beach Rd
  610. Las Cruces, NM 88011
  611. Dona Ana County
  612. (Apr 1999 - May 2014)
  613. 2685 De Darian Clle
  614. Mesilla, NM 88046
  615. Dona Ana County
  616. (Jan 2009 - Jan 2013)
  617. 2685 De Parian Clle #2
  618. Mesilla, NM 88046
  619. Dona Ana County
  620. (May 2006)
  621. 2685 Calle De Parian
  622. Mesilla Park, NM 88047
  623. Dona Ana County
  624. (May 2006)
  627. ********************** Lois K Nichols
  628. Born Sep 1927
  630. is the reason why this is the correct George Chapel **********************
  640. A
  641. Paul Feinberg Email & Phone Number
  642. Senior Writer at UCLA Anderson School of Management
  643. Paul Feinberg is a Senior Writer at UCLA Anderson School of Management based in Los Angeles, California. Previously, Paul was an Editor, AndersonRead More
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  649. 7/7/2023 10:39 PM
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  662. UCLA Anderson School of Management HQ Phone
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  664. (417) 753-2629
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  670. 110 Westwood Plz, Los Angeles, California, 90095, United States
  672. Paul Feinberg Current Workplace
  673. Paul Feinberg has been working as a Senior Writer at UCLA Anderson School of Management for 25 years. UCLA Anderson School of Management is part of the Colleges & Universities industry, and located in California, United States.
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  694. The University of New Mexico
  695. View Paul Feinberg's full profile
  698. (Though this is just a tiny thing, in all of this, myredbook. com, republican, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, child m*lester, solicitor of child m*lestation, pimp, solicitor of pimping, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking, solicitor of murder, attempted murderer, etc, Richard Lyon Herbert, knew myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Bill / memo Hinckley ****** before ****** making the decision to go down to San Diego / Oceanside / La Jolla)
  705. +++++++
  707. Added after 12:10 a.m., on 9/20/2023, California time (United States)
  709. The Montana connections
  712. Below, seems to be the daughter ?, of myredbook dot com, republican, felon, r*ping, soliciting r*pe, soliciting s*xual assault, s*xual assaulting,  s*x traff*cking, soliciting s*x traff*cking, soliciting murder, attempted murdering, stalking, soliciting stalking, libel writing, soliciting libel writing, assaulting, soliciting assault, soliciting bribery, bribing, soliciting blackmail, blackmailing, soliciting extortion, extorting, soliciting  kickback providing, kickback providing, soliciting  kickback receiving, kickback receiving, perjuring, suborning perjury, soliciting perjury, obstructer of justice, witness intimidator,  etc, "ex mafia member, Greg Chapel (2838 Concord Ln,Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 4085007328)
  716. Cassandra Saeed Facebook, Instagram & Twitter on ...
  719. › cassandra_saeed
  720. Cassandra Z. Saeed Age 32. Kalispell, MT. Also known as: cassandrazsaeed. Cassandra Saeed lives in Kalispell, MT. Deftones, Danzig, Modest Mouse, ...
  724. Then there is this - Obviously, proving that the myredbook. com, republican, Mob Herbert family, did / does ? in fact have property, in Montana. **** "Jill" Herbert, was in myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Point Reyes, Inverness, Marin (California) quite often / frequently, so all the properties everywhere have been shared.  
  728. Carmoreau Hatier, 90, of Skamokawa, died April 17, 2018. He was born in Chicago on July 22, 1928 to Carmoreau and Beatrice (Guittard) Hatier.
  730. His father was an army officer in command of a fort near Chicago. They lived in Chicago, then New York City until he was five, when his father was put in charge of the army base in Bagio, the Philippines. They were in Bagio until the onset of WWII when they were shipped to Fort Vancouver. His father was in Army Intelligence and Carmoreau went to Beaumont School in Portland, where the family lived until his father, becoming ill, was transferred to the army hospital in the Presideo in San Francisco. His father died there and his mother, having been born in the city, remained there for the rest of her life.
  732. Carmoreau went to Marina Jr. High and then on to Lowell High School. He graduated from San Francisco State College and received a MS in Psychology. He worked as a clinical psychologist, specializing in substance abuse counseling first in the Bay area and then, as a Metis with connections in Canada. He moved his focus to Alberta and Manitoba and in 1987 bought a small ranch in western Montana near the Canadian border.
  734. He sang in Pow Wow's in the San Francisco Bay Area and in Western Montana. He married Jill Wistar in the Mills College Chapel in 1960 and they bought a house in Berkeley, then had their daughter, Kezha Guittard Hatier, now Kezha Hatier-Riess who currently lives in ********************** Santa Fe, New Mexico. **********************
  735. In 2010 he was hit by a rare brain disorder and ended in a wheel chair, only remembering bits of his past.
  738. Then there is myredbook. com, republican (head of the high school republican group), at myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View, Ca, 94040), Christian Clemmensen
  739., who attended myredbook dot com, republican, University of Montana. Christian Clemmensen was extremely close friends with myredbook. com, republican, felon (canNOT be an attorney (moral turpitude (, Alex Prazma - the main suspect in the attempt on the life of Karen Watson, June 8 1992. Myredbook. com, republican, felon, Alex prazma, was only absent from school, once in his life, and that was the day of June 8 1992.As we have already pointed out, it's beyond likely that "real estate agent", myredbook dot com, republican, Gary Herbert (, got myredbook. com, republican, felon, Alex Prazma started in real estate
  743. (compiled 9/20/2023, about 12:43 a.m., California United States time)
  752. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  753. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  756. Youtube vidoes, for a "bigger picture"
  761. September 14th, the year of 2023. After 2:36 pm, in the afternoon
  764. Seriously ,in *republican* Sf Bay Area, California, chiefs of police, sergeants, presiding judges, judges, sergeants, lieutenants, corrections officers, deputies, wardens, deputy wardens, vice wardens, assistant wardens, bailiffs, state police, etc planning to murder a woman, tonight, or, this week, if they cannot pull off tonight. They will eventually murder her, no matter what it takes . They never intend to give up until she is dead. All of their criminal buddies in every city, town, and state have signed on to murdering her as well
  767. Although people ******** pretended ******** to be nice on Friday, 8/25/2023, womans, (in Northern California) life is STILL on the line (extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme imminent danger) due to supremely corrupt, felonious law enforcement, supremely corrupt felonious criminals at EVERY fire department, SUPREMELY corrupt, felonious, criminals at EVERY place for elder care abuse (they ARE SUPREMELY ABUSIVE THEMSELVES (physically, s*xually, mentally, emotionally) throughout Northern and Southern California (in every town, jurisdiction, and city, unincorporated, or incorporated), **** especially in Northern California ****. Yes, her life is at stake because of corrupt, super felonious law enforcement, super felonious "fire personal", er, criminals, and, uber felonious elder care abuse criminals (abusers themselves - physically, s*xually, emotionally, and, mentally)  throughout the United republican states of America, as well. (every state, city, town, and jurisdiction. Incorporated, or unincorporated). Meaning stenographers, wardens, corrections officers, sheriffs, bailiffs, chiefs of police, deputies, court clerks, sergeants, courtroom clerks, lieutenants, dispatchers, captains, meter maids, state police, judges, presiding judges, fbi, fire captains, fire chiefs, forester, defensible space inspector, communications operator, fire prevention specialist, firefighter engineer, administrative assistant, fire investigator, battalion chief, driver, file clerk, fire alarm foreman, fire commissioner, fire equipment operators, fire lieutenant, fire service technician, forestry fire specialist, pump operator, receptionist, volunteer firefighter, etc)(and all their family members, wives, husbands, spouses, children, daughters, sons, cousins, second cousins, third cousins, fourth cousins, grandparents, nieces, nephews, step children, step daughters, step sons, etc, etc, etc, etc).
  769. ****************** The situation is extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , v, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely,extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely , extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, acute / super pressing / way beyond critical / extraordinarily urgent. Womans life at risk / in jeopardy. She's in a very precarious position !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ******************
  772. ******************************* Myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, aka corrupt le, or corrupt "uc l.e." followed her to Wally World, and Safeway, 9/13/2023
  774. on behalf of myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, "ex mafia" members Greg and Glen Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 4085007328, 4082475330, 4086060620)
  784., very first one, from the bottom
  788. (sign in to confirm age)
  794. (num 6)
  804. (eleven)
  808. (thirteen)
  816. (seventeen)
  828. (twenty three, Safeway, Glen, Mark (Gervais)
  836. (twenty seven)
  842. (thirty)
  852. (thirty five)
  854. (thirty six)
  860. (thirty nine)(about racism)
  868. (forty three)
  870. (forty four)
  878. (forty eight)
  880. (Ayers)
  884. (fifty one)
  886. (fifty two)
  892. (fifty five)
  898. (fifty eight)
  908. (sixty three)
  924. (seventy one)
  932. (seventy five)
  940. (seventy nine)
  946. (eighty two)
  956. (eighty seven)
  962. (ninety)
  972. (Ninety five)
  984. (19:23)
  986. (8:20)
  988. (3:05)
  990. (3:12)
  992. (6:46)
  994. (Mark Ainsworth, David Battagin)
  996. (racism)
  998. (a lot of the people)
  1000. (medical, mrb greg)
  1002., (New Mexico, Bill Hinckley, George R Chapel)
  1004., (Shekoh and Mark A, financials)
  1006., Greg Screaming
  1008., Tea Parties
  1010., emt paramedics nurse failures pre meditated Copy
  1012., mobility scooter cat Copy
  1014., No service Copy
  1016., rpe video at night, thoughts on escorting Copy
  1018., More racism by greg threats by glen crazy making by glen underage pics on glens comp Copy
  1020., ex mafia member mrb greg chapel montana june 8 1992 being rped again Aug 19 sv medical center coldne
  1022., mrb Kathy Dewar Scott Dewar moral turpitude 170 6 hearsay exceptions Copy
  1024., mth a cook pacing Copy
  1026., Myredbook dot com Stan Fischman Ian Fischman Stanford Stanford psychologist Copy
  1028., Myredbook dot com republicans @rddedhd er Jeff Feinberg and Eric Nealon threatening my parents
  1030., Wally Suwarna Sunil Tushar Copy
  1032., 422 pc death threats rpe threats currently in progress by myredbook dot com ex mafia member greg cha
  1034., A page on the wayback machine, explaining what myredbook dot com was, nevada city fall jam, homeaway
  1036., Myredbook dot com republican felons and ex mafia members etc etc Greg and Glen Chapel 2838 Concord L
  1038., Thank myredbook dot com republican felon so called ex mafia members Greg and Glen Chapel, et al for
  1040., Myredbook dot com republican mistressmatisse or amy shibari sailing max accusations 1992 myredbook d
  1042., micro sd card cat food Copy
  1044., All my psoriasis creams and soluutions inhalers for my asthma folate for internal psoriasis stratter
  1046., removed metal piece or strike plate so it could lock (short)
  1048., RFI physical therapy etc Copy
  1050., Truckee Copy
  1052., a bit on introversion, sleep, adhd, views why appearance should not matter, why life experience
  1054., on why certain things were not coincidences why someone would know about swnging Copy
  1056., returning to a city that I have not been in in a while getting vaccinated thoughts on religion agnos
  1058., on self defense
  1060., corrupt po po cease and desist Copy
  1062., kitty catio hiking etc Copy
  1064., up to 940 about my femur being broken the staff that took care of for that 5 days and my orthopedic
  1066., 2 physical slash occupational therapists Interlochen Hollywood Epste Weinstein antisemitism Copy
  1068., myredbook dot com republican steve johnsion qanon supporter friend of myredbook dot com republican e
  1070., new rumble dot com account under terrystopn Contains one post with important evidence Copy
  1072., witness intimidation stalking obstructing justice by myredbook dot com republican felon ex mafia mem
  1074., crimes committed by myredbook dot com republican felons aug 28 2023 Copy
  1076., lg slash sc v sunnyvale mrb gop mike h doorway tahoe bag closet Copy
  1078., crazy makers gas lighters Copy
  1080., groceries myredbook dot com republican aidian keefe Copy
  1082., myredbook dot com republican felons trying to make inferences with their 1 brain cell Copy
  1084., recorded before the grocery so called incident Copy
  1086., how being outdoors could be better for my health than getting traditional medical treatment Copy
  1088., Why I did not leave today Aug 30 2023 Copy
  1090., backyard myredbook dot com republican felons greg and glen chapel and cliff liu Copy
  1092., adv nur Copy
  1094., First time for everything CA, cease and desists out loud Copy
  1096., Aug 31 2023 witness intimidation Copy
  1098., myredbook dot com republican felons greg and glen chapel having sx with myredbook dot com republican
  1100., myredbook dot com republican felons and ex mafia members greg and glen chapel stealing Copy
  1102., On myredbook dot com republican felons using disappearing email and disappearing text messages and o
  1104., women in the us terrorist cops women in other countries Copy
  1106., Saying one bad word or suggesting improvement when getting help in the united republican states of a
  1108., starting with being trafficked at 14, 15, 16, or 17 does not mean when you turn 18 or legally become
  1110., asked to go to hospital denied fever premeditation Copy
  1112., check my search history but not you myredbook dot com republican crimianl felons that call yourselve
  1114., Myredbook dot com republican felon, Mary Arand republican Los Gatos not only did not know 170 6, ign
  1116., corrupt cops with convictions on their records still working in California and corrupt cops from mer
  1118., what charges should be filed against myredbook dot com republican felons Copy
  1120., cat food proof 1 Copy
  1122., cat food proof 2 Copy
  1124., labs aug 8 2023 Copy
  1126., handiwork of myredbook com republican felons sx traffckers, solicitors of sx traffcking perjurers
  1128., medical/newest labs and medical decisions. Probably heading into sepsis Copy
  1130., myredbook dot com republican felons wifi attack Monday Sept 4th 2023 Copy
  1132., was or is enbrel really necessary. Has it actually been enbrel in the cartridges Copy
  1134., at end some of the so called results from illegal beatdown by myredbook dot com republican felon rpi
  1136., r order packets thrown away not filled Myredbook dot com republican felons and ex mafia members gre
  1138., On corrupt career criminal so called law enforcement placing gps trackers on peoples vehicles and ho
  1140., How dmb myredbook com GOP felons think I am They think that I don't remember how tyleno was tampe
  1142., myredbook dot com republican felon greg Chapel cannot have contact with his ex wife his ex kids stol
  1144., Clarity why I am not cut out for chemistry how my so called a sexual brain is not attuned to that of
  1146., Lines you do not cross with me I always know when I am being lied to and manipulated Family is diffe
  1148., on not relying on men men in general earning more money and views on gns Copy
  1150., myredbook com GOP felon Glen Chapel admits to conspiring with myredbook com GOP felons calling th
  1152., Myredbook dot com, republican, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, assaulters, solicitors of assault, attackers, solicitors of attacking,  libel writers, solicitors of libel writing, solicitors of murder, cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, stalkers, solicitors of stalking, 422 pc death threat makers, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, kickback providers, kickback receivers, blackmailers, extortionists, solicitors of murder, witness intimidators,&, obstructors of justice - clerks, court room clerks, file receivers, filers, presiding judges, judges, wardens, associate wardens, assistant wardens, corrections officers, bailiffs, file clerks, stenographers, fbi agents, chiefs of police, sergeants, lieutenants, captains, runners, paperwork receivers, doj, doj agents, narcs, uc's, sheriffs, sheriffs deputies, deputies, etc, etc, all INTENTIONALL, PRE MEDITATIVELY / WITH FORETHOUGH *************** VIOLATED *************** The Americans with disabilities act !
  1154. at the myredbook. com, republican, felonious, s*x traff*cking, soliciting s*x traff*cking, s*xual assaulting, soliciting sexu*al assault, assaulting, soliciting assault, attacking, soliciting attacking, criminal / felonious, pimping , receiving bribes, taking bribes, accepting bribes, endorsing terr*rism endorsing r*pe, endorsing child m*lestation, endorsing m*lestation, endorsing large scale manufacturing, and sales of m*th, c*caine, pcp, h*roin,  endorsing murder of women, endorsing murder of lgbtqia, endorsing murder of bipoc, endorsing murder of African Americans, endorsing murder of Black people, endorsing murder of Asian Americans, endorsing stalking by straight, bi, and pan assaulters, s*x traffickers etc (men), endorsing cyberstalking by by straight, bi, and pan assaulters, s*x traffickers etc (men), endorsing assault by straight, bi, and pan assaulters, s*x traffickers etc (men), endorsing perjury by straight, bi, and pan assaulters, s*x traffickers etc (men), endorsing suborning perjury by straight, bi, and pan assaulters, s*x traffickers etc (men), endorsing solicitation of perjury by straight, bi, and pan assaulters, s*x traffickers etc (men), endorsing witness intimidation by straight, bi, and pan assaulters, s*x traffickers etc (men), endorsing obstruction of justice by straight, bi, and pan assaulters, s*x traffickers etc (men), etc, civil "courthouse" (191 North first street, in myredbook. com, republican, felonious, etc, etc, San Jose (95122/95123), aka "the real North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq combined, multiplied by ten trillion, multiplied by infinity
  1156. Obviously, bribes have been accepted from Myredbook dot com, republican, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, assaulters, solicitors of assault, attackers, solicitors of attacking,  libel writers, solicitors of libel writing, solicitors of murder, cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, stalkers, solicitors of stalking, 422 pc death threat makers, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, kickback providers, kickback receivers, blackmailers, extortionists, solicitors of murder, witness intimidators,&, obstructors of justice, Greg and Glen Chapel (2838 Concord Ln, Santa Clara, Ca,95051, 4085007328,4086060620,4082475330), David Battagin, and Alexandra Dragonetti (2840, or 2841 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, and Cliff Liu (signed a non disclosure act to prohibit him from practicing law, with his last law firm, because they caught him doing something illegal - they agreed not to go to the state bar, who holds a PHD in chemistry from MIT, and can, and likely does make anthrax, and rohypnol
  1159., if I had every penny in the universe, I would bet it all, that myredbook dot com, republican, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, assaulters, solicitors of assault, attackers, solicitors of attacking,  libel writers, solicitors of libel writing, solicitors of murder, cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, stalkers, solicitors of stalking, 422 pc death threat makers, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, kickback providers, kickback receivers, blackmailers, extortionists, solicitors of murder, witness intimidators,&, obstructors of justice, Greg and Glen Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95041, 4082475330, 40860600620,4085007328) are throwing rohypnol and diaper parties,
  1161. and that myredbook dot com, republican, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, assaulters, solicitors of assault, attackers, solicitors of attacking,  libel writers, solicitors of libel writing, solicitors of murder, cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, stalkers, solicitors of stalking, 422 pc death threat makers, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, kickback providers, kickback receivers, blackmailers, extortionists, solicitors of murder, witness intimidators,&, obstructors of justice - ***** wardens, assistant wardens, vice wardens, presiding judges, district attorneys, state police officers, sheriffs, sheriffs deputies, sergeants, lieutenants, chiefs of police, file clerks, stenographers, bailiffs, doj, fbi, meter maids, reporters, hotel proprietors, captains, file clerk receivers, runners, corrections officers, etc, etc, attend the rohypnol and diaper parties.
  1163. Additionally, if I had every penny in the world, I would bet it all that myredbook dot com, republican, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, assaulters, solicitors of assault, attackers, solicitors of attacking,  libel writers, solicitors of libel writing, solicitors of murder, cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, stalkers, solicitors of stalking, 422 pc death threat makers, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, kickback providers, kickback receivers, blackmailers, extortionists, solicitors of murder, witness intimidators,&, obstructors of justice, Greg and Glen Chapel are selling g*ns, dr*gs, and videos from the rohypnol and diaper parties on the dark web
  1165., Myredbook com republican felons sx traffickers solicitors of sx trafficking etc knew my address wit
  1167., On having medical professionals in your family what it does not mean On adhd, stimulants, having a
  1169., do not believe in men being head of household relationship with dad changed the way I viewed him C
  1171., late night slash early morning thoughts Copy
  1173., Defamation My auto injector requires a prescription There are pictures of the auto injector You
  1175., Some of the reasons that I can say that our so called judicial system is just a criminal syndicate r
  1177., conspiracy meeting Copy
  1180., Myredbook com GOP sx traffckers etc Greg and Glen Chapel, ex mafia witholding cat, can be charged w
  1182. Myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, Glen and Greg Chapel ("ex mafia")(those are not their real names) (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 40860600620,4085007328,4082475330) can be legally charged with at least 3 separate attempts on my life, including participating in the June 8 1992 attempt on my life
  1184. 2) withheld my cat from me, for 12 days, 4 to 5 days, and then 10 days
  1186. 3) have made up at least hundreds of thousands of fake accounts  themselves, and millions if you include their myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, comrades, including myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, that want to be called po po, that are in fact felons, and criminals (601 El Camino Real in myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Santa Clara, in myredbook. com, republican, felonious, California)
  1188. that they all have used to stalk, cyberstalk, obstruct justice, and witness intimidate
  1191., Went 2 get boxes last night, was followed by myredbook dot com GOP felon
  1193. Myredbook dot com, republican, felon, r*ping, soliciting r*pe, soliciting murder, attempted murdering, stalking, soliciting stalking, libel writing, soliciting libel writing, assaulting, soliciting assault, bribing, soliciting bribery, blackmailing, soliciting blackmail,  extorting, soliciting extorting, kickback providing, soliciting kickback providing, soliciting kickback receiving, kickback receiving, 422 pc death threat making, s*x traff*cking, soliciting s*x tr*fficking, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, witness intimidator, obstructer of justice, etc, "ex mafia" member , Glen Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara,Ca,4086060620,4082475330), followed me, when I went to get boxes last night
  1195. and myredbook dot com, republican, felon, r*ping, soliciting r*pe, soliciting murder, attempted murdering, stalking, soliciting stalking, libel writing, soliciting libel writing, assaulting, soliciting assault, bribing, soliciting bribery, blackmailing, soliciting blackmail,  extorting, soliciting extorting, kickback providing, soliciting kickback providing, soliciting kickback receiving, kickback receiving, 422 pc death threat making, s*x traff*cking, soliciting s*x tr*fficking, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, witness intimidator, obstructer of justice, etc, "ex mafia" member, "Greg Chapel" ( (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca) keeps making phone calls, all day, being really loud, so that I can hear his threats.
  1197. Additionally, I feel like the sweating I have been experiencing is not sepsis. It, to me, now seems like Anthrax. Last night at about 11:30 p.m., I got really nauseous, the room was spinning until about 2;30 a.m., or 3 a.m., I had a sore throat, and I had "stomach upset" "all day", prior to that. Today, the sweating is back with a vengeance.
  1199., Myredbook dot com, republican, felon, r*ping, soliciting r*pe, soliciting s*xual assault, s*xual assaulting,  s*x traff*cking, soliciting s*x traff*cking, soliciting murder, attempted murdering, stalking, soliciting stalking, libel writing, soliciting libel writing, assaulting, soliciting assault, soliciting bribery, bribing, soliciting blackmail, blackmailing, soliciting extortion, extorting, soliciting  kickback providing, kickback providing, soliciting  kickback receiving, kickback receiving, perjuring, suborning perjury, soliciting perjury, obstructer of justice, witness intimidator,  etc, "ex mafia member, Glen Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, 4082475330, 4086060620) turned off the internet this morning, and afternoon, and apparently has been contacting my phone company, messing with my phone, &, bribing employees at the phone company.
  1201. More on Anthrax.
  1203. Questioning the validity of my diagnoses, &, if psoriasis actually needs to be treated
  1207., Myredbook dot com, republican, felon, r*ping, soliciting r*pe, soliciting s*xual assault, s*xual assaulting,  s*x traff*cking, soliciting s*x traff*cking, soliciting murder, attempted murdering, stalking, soliciting stalking, libel writing, soliciting libel writing, assaulting, soliciting assault, soliciting bribery, bribing, soliciting blackmail, blackmailing, soliciting extortion, extorting, soliciting  kickback providing, kickback providing, soliciting  kickback receiving, kickback receiving, perjuring, suborning perjury, soliciting perjury, obstructer of justice, witness intimidator,  etc, "ex mafia member, Glen Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, 4082475330, 4086060620), stands outside my door, eavesdropping for anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes, when I am not making phone calls to my doctors, or, to arrange transportation. Pretends to need to take a shower, after he is done eavesdropping.
  1209. When myredbook dot com, republican, felon, r*ping, soliciting r*pe, soliciting s*xual assault, s*xual assaulting,  s*x traff*cking, soliciting s*x traff*cking, soliciting murder, attempted murdering, stalking, soliciting stalking, libel writing, soliciting libel writing, assaulting, soliciting assault, soliciting bribery, bribing, soliciting blackmail, blackmailing, soliciting extortion, extorting, soliciting  kickback providing, kickback providing, soliciting  kickback receiving, kickback receiving, perjuring, suborning perjury, soliciting perjury, obstructer of justice, witness intimidator,  etc, "ex mafia member, Glen Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, 4082475330, 4086060620), has turned in his vehicles (he got a new vehicle, right when things went from bad, to worse, here), has he been doing that to destroy evidence ?
  1213., Myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, aka corrupt le, or corrupt "uc l.e." followed me to Wally World, and Safeway, 9/13/2023
  1215. on behalf of myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, "ex mafia" members Greg and Glen Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 4085007328, 4082475330, 4086060620)
  1217. and despite clearing internal storage, I can*not* record videos. Obviously the phone, with*out* a warrant, and with*out* probable cause, is blackhat hacked (illegal). Everything I use is illegally blackhat hacked
  1220., Myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, "ex mafia" members, Greg and Glen Chapel, (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 4085007328, 40860600620, 4082475330) just admitted to being a part of the bullsh*t with the
  1222. myredbook dot com, republican, felon, s*x traff*cking, solicitor of s*x traff*cking, solicitor of murder, attempted murderer, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, assaulter, solicitor of assault, sexu*l  assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, , r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, rohypnol distributor, solicitor of rohypnol distributing, attacker, solicitor of attack, briber, solicitor of bribery, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitor of libel writing, etc, "cop" sticking his g*n out of the window, on Kiely, on 9/13/2023
  1224. Best suited to viewers age twenty one, or, older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solcitiation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making,
  1228., packing boxes by myself duct tape myself measured and weighed by myself and my weight Copy, Proud of myself for getting boxes myself, packing boxes myself, getting duct tape myself, applying duct tape myself, measuring the boxes myself, weighing the boxes myself, and not "relying" on a man / allowing a man to intimidate me into letting him do it for me. Gender identity. My weight being lower than it probably should be
  1232., On Gavin Newsom going to the supreme court attempting to get the right to take unhoused peoples bel, Disappointed by Gavin Newsom. What a waste of money going to the supreme court to get the o.k. to take away, or bulldoze over the belongings of unhoused people. How about making it illegal for male employees at homeless shelters, including the ceo, coo, etc, to force women to have s*x with them, in order to stay there, and how about making it illegal to tamper with those womens records, putting false information in the records of women, so they can never stay in the shelter again (because they will not have s*x with the male employees, or, the male employees friends)
  1234. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making,
  1239., Amgen conspiring with myredbook dot com republican felons etc etc glen and greg chapel and glen and   . Got off the phone with Amgen at about 2:45 p.m., in myredbook. com, republican, felonious California. 99.99999999999999999999999999999 % chance, myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, "ex mafia" members, Greg and Glen Chapel, (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 4085007328, 40860600620, 4082475330), ******* BRIBED ******* Amgen,
  1241. and 100% chance that myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, "ex mafia" members, Greg and Glen Chapel, (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 4085007328, 40860600620, 4082475330),
  1243. are CONSPIRING with judges, district attorneys, presiding judges, chiefs of police, sergeants, bailiffs, dispatchers, firefighters, doj, judges, stenographers, court clerks, courtroom clerks, state police officers, deputies, sheriffs deputies, sheriffs, "search and rescue", captains, fire captains, etc, etc
  1248., Proof myredbook com republican felons ex mafia etc etc Glen and Greg Chapel would have killed me if . Proof myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, "ex mafia" members, Greg and Glen Chapel, (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 4085007328, 40860600620, 4082475330), would have k*lled me, by intentionally leaving my enbrel out, and taking my enbrel out of the one refrigerator .
  1255., nice compilation of facts pertaining to myredbook dot com, republican, felon s*x traffckers Copy    . Compilation of citizens arrests, and cease and desists, that have been on the internet, forever, that are relevant to myredbook dot com, republican, felons / s*x traff*ckers, and rewritten compilation of facts
  1257. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making,
  1262., Myredbook com GOP felons Greg and Glen Chapel et al hijacked my phone no caffeine tailed by lg so c    . Myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, witness intimidators, &, obstructors of justice, Glen and Greg Chapel ("ex mafia")(those are not their real names) (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 40860600620,4085007328,4082475330), illegally took over my phone this morning, with the help of myredbook. com, gop, etc, etc, Cliff Liu (666 Fairlane Ane, Santa Clara, Ca), and myredbook dot com, republicans, Greg and Glen Chapel ensured I did not have caffeine this morning.
  1264. Was tailed by a myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, so called police officer, once I go to where my doctors office was located
  1266. Uber / lyft was late by at least an hour (Sarcasm) I wonder why that is
  1268. And, I got driven home by someone that works at myredbook dot com, republican, felonious University of California at San Francisco (supposedly)(or, maybe he was a so called (corrupt) cop ?! Myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, "David Cipriano" works at myredbook dot com, republican, felonious University of California at San Francisco, and myredbook dot com, republican, felon, Beth Kriegsman, worked at myredbook dot com, republican, felonious University of California at San Francisco
  1270. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1275., September 19 2023 rendition. The New Mexico connection between myredbook gop felons  . (Most important part of this - the New Mexico connection between myredbook gop felons, and the New Jersey connection that appears to go pretty far back)
  1277. September 19 2023 rendition of citizens arrests and cease and desists pertaining to myredbook. com, GOP, felon s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x tr*ff*cking, perjurers, solicitors of perjury, suborners of perjury, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, assaulters, solicitors of assault, attackers, solicitors of attack, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, unwanted cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, pimps, solicitors of pimping, bribers, solicitors of bribery, bribers, solicitors of blackmail, blackmailers, extortionists, solicitors of extortion,  solicitors of kickback providing, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback receiving, kickback receivers, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, solicitors of libel writing, libel writers, slanderers, solicitors of slandering, 422 pc death threat makers, abusers of alternatively abled, obstructers of justice, and witness intimidators, etc, that want to call themselves law enforcement
  1279. citizens arrests and cease and desists pertaining to myredbook. com, GOP, felon s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x tr*ff*cking, perjurers, solicitors of perjury, suborners of perjury, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, assaulters, solicitors of assault, attackers, solicitors of attack, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, unwanted cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, pimps, solicitors of pimping, bribers, solicitors of bribery, bribers, solicitors of blackmail, blackmailers, extortionists, solicitors of extortion,  solicitors of kickback providing, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback receiving, kickback receivers, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, solicitors of libel writing, libel writers, slanderers, solicitors of slandering, 422 pc death threat makers, abusers of alternatively abled, obstructers of justice, and witness intimidators, etc,
  1284., The Montana connection between myredbook com, GOP, felons, sx trffckers, solicitors of sx trffcking    .  The Montana connection between myredbook. com, GOP, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x tr*ffcking, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, assaulters, solicitors of assault, attackers, solicitors of attacking, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, unwanted cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, unwanted wannabe blackhat hackers, blackhat hackers, solicitors of blackhat hacking, 422 pc death threat makers, libel writers, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, bribers, solicitors of bribery, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback receiving, kickback receivers, attempted murderers, solicitors of murder, etc - myredbook dot com, republican MOB Herbert family members (@ georgewherbert (twitter) / George W Herbert, @scotchfairy (twitter) / Lee Thompson Herbert, Richard Lyon Herbert, terr*rist Chapel family members ("ex mafia") Greg, and Glen Chapel (those are not their real names)(2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 4085007328, 4086060620, 4082475330), their brother "George Chapel Jr ", and, myredbook. com,, republican, felon, (graduate of myredbook. com, republican, felonious Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ace, Mountain View, Ca, 94040), Christian Clemmensen
  1286. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1288. and proof of the New Mexico connection between the myredbook . com, GOP, felon, Mob Herbert family members, the myredbook. com, GOP, terrorist Chapel family members, the myredbook . com, GOP Hinckley family, and the myredbook. com GOP felon Feinberg family
  1290. Plus, the New Jersey connection between the myredbook . com, GOP, felon, Mob Herbert family members, and the myredbook. com,GOP, Kreigsman family members appears to go way back
  1292. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1296., myredbook com, GOP, felon, UC Davis 95616) sx trffcker, solicitor of sx trffcking,rpist, solicitor
  1297. Along with everything else I went through yesterday, myredbook dot com, republican, felon, s*x traff*cker, solicitor of s*x traff*cking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, solicitor of murder, attempted murderer, witness intimidator, solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, solicitor of obstruction of justice,  graduate of myredbook. com, republican, felonious, University of California at Davis (95616), and Cornell (like myredbook. com, republican, pretending to be a doctor, is actually corrupt doj, Ari Kriegsman, was standing in front of the house he rents with his myredbook. com, republican,  etc, etc, dad, yesterday, September 19 2023, when I went to get caffeine at Safeway (doing the witness intimidation, and obstructing justice thing) (on a Tuesday, at around 11 a.m.)
  1299. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1303., myredbook com, GOP, felon, sx trffcker, solicitor of sx trffcking, assaulter, solicitor of assautin
  1304. Myredbook dot com, republican, felon, s*x traff*cker, solicitor of s*x traff*cking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, solicitor of murder, attempted murderer, witness intimidator, solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, solicitor of obstruction of justice,  graduate of myredbook. com, republican, felonious, MIT, 666 Fairlane Ave, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, Cliff Liu has been illegally blackhat hacking (and continues to illegally blackhat hack)
  1306. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1312. Busy. Sent emails late Wednesday, early in the morning Thursday (1 a.m, 2 a.m.), and all day Thursday. Created 9 new email addresses after that, to send more emails today, September 22, 2023. Getting myself on a sleep schedule. Feels good to get myself on a sleep schedule. A few comments, made in this video, aimed at a specific person, and they know who they are. Can't be anyone other than who I am. No medication is going to turn me into some "s*x crazed lunatic", or someone that has any interest in s*x, or, chasing anyone. I am not built that way. My kitty has been withheld from me, again - this time, for about 12 days
  1314. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1319. Achilles still painful. Hating that sometimes with adhd, taking something like Tylenol can make "you" much more of a space cadet. Wanting to take a walk - Cannot due to corrupt law enforcement, etc. Don't use me to get videos to appear where you want them to. Not only does corrupt law enforcement lie, they post fake articles, etc, on the internet / www, and run a fake vpn / ip address masker. Though info can still be faked on whois dot com, check there for some sense of legitimacy
  1321. Also, Myredbook dot com, republican, felon, s*x traff*cker, solicitor of s*x traff*cking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, solicitor of murder, attempted murderer, witness intimidator, solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, solicitor of obstruction of justice,  "ex mafia" member, Greg Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara,Ca,95051, 4085007328, pounding on the door at 8:30 a.m.
  1323. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1327., Don't send over 100 emails with rheumatoid arthritis / psoriatic arthritis, when you are not on medication, in a day and half. I caved. Took the Tylenol / acetaminophen. Thoughts on a 20 year old with a PHD, and his 16 year old sister with her bachelors, and what I believe in terms of trying to make your kid / the kid(s) you are in charge of, be like everyone else
  1331., Myredbook dot com republican felons s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, pimps, solicitors of pimping, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, unwanted cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, blackhat hackers, solicitors of blackhat hacking, wannabe blackhat hackers, bribers, solicitors of bribery, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writers, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, witness intimidators, solicitors of witness intimidation, obstructers of justice, solicitors of obstruction of justice, 666 Failrane Ave, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 2840 or 2841 David Battagin, and New Jersey Alexndra Dragonetti, graduate of myredbook dot com, felonious University of California at Davis (1 Shields Ave, Davis, Ca, 95616) and myredbook dot com, republican, felonious Cornell, like pretending to be a doctor, is actually corrupt Doj Ari Kriegsman, Aidan Keefe, along with "ex mafia' member Glen Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca,95051, 6060621, 4082475330) blackhat hacked, and prevented me from accessing the internet, for two days.
  1333. I reinstalled the os, twice, deleted all the adapters, reset the internet connection reset the router, disabled the ethernet connection, ran all the netsh commands, and still nothing.
  1335. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1339., Myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, witness intimidators, &, obstructors of justice, Glen and Greg Chapel ("ex mafia")(those are not their real names) (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 40860600620,4085007328,4082475330), had me illegally arrested Sept 28 2023.
  1341. The myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, witness intimidators, &, obstructors of justice, that call themselves po po pretty much admitted to s*x trafficking me, and the felon/criminal at the hospital with me, 99.9% certain made a m*th delivery
  1343. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making,
  1347., Proof from 2012 that myredbook dot com republican felons sx traffckers solicitors of sx trffcking
  1349. Proof of myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, witness intimidators, &, obstructors of justice, Glen and Greg Chapel ("ex mafia")(those are not their real names) (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 40860600620,4085007328,4082475330),  s*x tr*fficking me, albeit from 2012. 2012 was not the end of them tr*ffcking me. That continued all the way up to 2016, prior to me having surgery to remove the 9 c.m.,+,ovarian lesion, Dec 15  2016
  1351. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making,
  1356., proof of myredbook dot com republican felon etc David Jenkins supplying mth aka medication aka adder
  1357. Proof that myredbook dot com, republican, felon, etc, etc, David Jenkins, friends with myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, witness intimidators, &, obstructors of justice, Glen and Greg Chapel ("ex mafia")(those are not their real names) (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 40860600620,4085007328,4082475330), is a medication/ adderall / m*th dealer
  1359. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making,
  1364. Proof of myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*cker, solicitor of s*x traff*cking, solicitor of murder, attempted murderer, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, assaulters, solicitor of assault, sexu*l  assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, , r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, rohypnol distributor, solicitor of rohypnol distributing, attacker, solicitor of attack, briber, solicitor of bribery, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slander, witness intimidator, &, obstructor of justice, Greg Chapel("ex mafia") (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 4085007328
  1366. admitting that myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*cker, solicitor of s*x traff*cking, solicitor of murder, attempted murderer, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, assaulters, solicitor of assault, sexu*l  assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, , r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, rohypnol distributor, solicitor of rohypnol distributing, attacker, solicitor of attack, briber, solicitor of bribery, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, kickback provider, solicitor of kickback providing, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slander, witness intimidator, &, obstructor of justice, Glen Chapel thinks he hears noises coming from the refrigerator
  1368. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making,
  1373., 30 of September of 2023 spoke to myredbook com, republican, felonious San Jose po po
  1374. Spoke to a myredbook dot com, republican, felonious, s*x trafficking,  soliciting of s*x trafficking, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, wannabe blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, solicitor of  suborning of perjury,  kickback provider, kickback receiver, solicitor of kickback providing, solicitor of kickback receiving, briber, solicitor of bribery, extortionist, solicitor of extortion, blackmailer, solicitor of blackmail, solicitor of witness intimidation, witness intimidator, solicitor of obstruction of justice, obstructor of justice "dispatcher" at the myredbook. com, republican, felonious, s*x trafficking, soliciting of s*x trafficking, s*xually assaulting, soliciting of s*xual assault, r*ping, soliciting of r*ping, stalking, soliciting of stalking, cyberstalking, soliciting of cyberstalking, bribing, soliciting of bribery, extorting, soliciting of extortion, blackmailing, soliciting of blackmail, kickback providing, soliciting of kickback providing, kickback receiving, soliciting of kickback receiving, attempted murdering, soliciting of murder, perjuring, soliciting of perjury,  suborning of perjury, soliciting of suborning of perjury, witness intimidating, soliciting of witness intimidating, obstructing of justice, soliciting of obstructing of justice, terrorist, soliciting of terrorism San Jose  (201 W. Mission Street San Jose, CA 95110) "po po" department (aka criminal terrorist organization). She told me that I need to hire an attorney to press charges, and they never have to investigate anything, and investigating is not part of their job description,
  1376. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making,
  1380., Sept 30 2023 spoke to myredbook dot com republican felonious po po at myredbook dot com republican f
  1381. Spoke to a "po po" officer (aka felon extraordinaire) at the myredbook. com, republican, felonious, s*x trafficking, soliciting of s*x trafficking, s*xually assaulting, soliciting of s*xual assault, r*ping, soliciting of r*ping, stalking, soliciting of stalking, cyberstalking, soliciting of cyberstalking, bribing, soliciting of bribery, extorting, soliciting of extortion, blackmailing, soliciting of blackmail, kickback providing, soliciting of kickback providing, kickback receiving, soliciting of kickback receiving, attempted murdering, soliciting of murder, perjuring, soliciting of perjury,  suborning of perjury, soliciting of suborning of perjury, witness intimidating, soliciting of witness intimidating, obstructing of justice, soliciting of obstructing of justice, terrorist, soliciting of terrorism Santa Clara (601 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca, 95050)  "po po" department (aka criminal terrorist organization).He told me that myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, witness intimidators, &, obstructors of justice, Glen and Greg Chapel ("ex mafia")(those are not their real names) (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 40860600620,4085007328,4082475330), have no motive - that there is absolutely no motive for them to do anything, at all. Total sleeze
  1383. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making,
  1388. myredbook com republican felon Cliff Liu, disbarred attorney and graduate of MIT, with a PHD in ch
  1390. Myredbook dot com, republican, felon, s*x traff*cker, solicitor of s*x traff*cking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, unwanted stalker, solicitor of stalking, unwanted cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, slanderer, solicitor of slandering, 422 pc death threat maker, blackhat hacker, solicitor of blackhat hacking, solicitor of murder, attempted murderer, witness intimidator, solicitor of witness intimidation, obstructer of justice, solicitor of obstruction of justice,  graduate of myredbook. com, republican, felonious, MIT, 666 Fairlane Ave, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, Cliff Liu has been illegally blackhat hacking, while I was looking over the r*pe video (blackhat hacker turned off the laptop that I use, or logged me out of my account, about 48 times)
  1392. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1396. I have formally filed charges with the international criminal court against myredbook dot com republican felons s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, pimps, solicitors of pimping, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, unwanted cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, blackhat hackers, solicitors of blackhat hacking, wannabe blackhat hackers, bribers, solicitors of bribery, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writers, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, witness intimidators, solicitors of witness intimidation, obstructers of justice, solicitors of obstruction of justice, etc, etc, "ex mafia" members, Glen and Greg Chapel (2838 Concord Ln, Santa Clara,Ca,95051,4085007328, 4086060620,4082475330), as well as against corrupt judges, district attorneys, chiefs of police, wardens, assistant wardens, deputies, sheriffs deputies, sheriffs ,bailiffs, stenographers, meter maids, file clerks, presiding judges, corrections officers, etc.
  1398. The case has made it to certain news outlets, as well
  1400. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1406. I dug out the r*pe video, of myredbook dot com republican felons s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, pimps, solicitors of pimping, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, unwanted cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, blackhat hackers, solicitors of blackhat hacking, wannabe blackhat hackers, bribers, solicitors of bribery, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writers, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, witness intimidators, solicitors of witness intimidation, obstructers of justice, solicitors of obstruction of justice, etc, etc, "ex mafia" members, Glen and Greg Chapel (2838 Concord Ln, Santa Clara,Ca,95051,4085007328, 4086060620,4082475330), r*ping me (and possibly others).
  1408. I sent it to other countries, doj offices outside of California, and states attorneys generals offices outside of California, and what do you know, they agree, I was r*ped. The other state attorneys generals offices are interested in the case
  1410. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1414. Reminder I kept my milk, and water downstairs in the refrigerator, which probably made it very easy for myredbook. com, republican, s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x tr*fficking, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, pimps, solicitors of pimping, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, cyberstalkers, unwanted cyberstalkers, wannabe blackhat hackers, solicitors of blackhat hacking, assaulters, solicitors of assaulting, attackers, solicitors of attacking, 422 pc death threat makers, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, bribers, solicitors of bribery, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, terrorists, solicitors of terrorism, obstructors of justice, solicitors of obstruction of justice, witness intimidators, solicitors of witness intimidation, etc, etc, Glen and Greg Chapel (current mafia members)(2838 Concord lane,Santa Clara,Ca,95051)(4005007328,4086060620) to put liquid rohypnol, etc, into my milk and water. Plus, they put illegal cameras in the hall, and my room
  1416. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1420. Myredbook dot com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking,  libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, solicitor of murder, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, stalker, solicitor of stalking, 422 pc death threat maker, attempted murderer, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, kickback provider, kickback receiver, blackmailer, extortionist, solicitor of murder, witness intimidator,&, obstructor of justice, Glen Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 408-247-5330,308-606-0620), took my lab form, and stole bowls that were delivered by myredbook. com, republican, felonious, Wally-mart
  1422. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1427. This is the r*pe window, aka the cat door / cat window, installed by myredbook dot com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking,  libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, solicitor of murder, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, stalker, solicitor of stalking, 422 pc death threat maker, attempted murderer, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, kickback provider, kickback receiver, blackmailer, extortionist, solicitor of murder, witness intimidator,&, obstructor of justice, Glen Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 408-247-5330,308-606-0620
  1429. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1433. I realized I have one bowl left of the bowls that myredbook dot com, republican, s*x trafficker, solicitor of s*x trafficking, r*pist, solicitor of r*pe, s*xual assaulter, solicitor of s*xual assault, assaulter, solicitor of assault, attacker, solicitor of attacking,  libel writer, solicitor of libel writing, solicitor of murder, cyberstalker, solicitor of cyberstalking, stalker, solicitor of stalking, 422 pc death threat maker, attempted murderer, perjurer, suborner of perjury, solicitor of perjury, kickback provider, kickback receiver, blackmailer, extortionist, solicitor of murder, witness intimidator,&, obstructor of justice, Glen Chapel (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 408-247-5330,308-606-0620, stole from me (along with the lab paper, from my primary care doctor)
  1435. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1440. Myredbook. com, GOP, felon s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x tr*ff*cking, perjurers, solicitors of perjury, suborners of perjury, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, assaulters, solicitors of assault, attackers, solicitors of attack, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, unwanted cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, pimps, solicitors of pimping, bribers, solicitors of bribery, bribers, solicitors of blackmail, blackmailers, extortionists, solicitors of extortion,  solicitors of kickback providing, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback receiving, kickback receivers, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, solicitors of libel writing, libel writers, slanderers, solicitors of slandering, 422 pc death threat makers, abusers of alternatively abled, obstructers of justice, and witness intimidators, etc, Glen and Greg Chapel (current mafia members)(2838 Concord Ln, Santa Clara,Ca,95051)(4086060620,4085007328,4082475330),Alexandra Dragonetti (2840, or 2841 Concord Ln, Santa Clara,Ca,95051), Cliff Lie (666 Failrane Ave,Santa Clara,Ca,95051), and myredbook. com, republican, felon, etc, etc, Aidan Keefe,
  1442. have illegally had my ibotta account shut down
  1444. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1450. Some of the myredbook. com, GOP, felon s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x tr*ff*cking, perjurers, solicitors of perjury, suborners of perjury, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, assaulters, solicitors of assault, attackers, solicitors of attack, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, unwanted cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, pimps, solicitors of pimping, bribers, solicitors of bribery, bribers, solicitors of blackmail, blackmailers, extortionists, solicitors of extortion,  solicitors of kickback providing, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback receiving, kickback receivers, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, solicitors of libel writing, libel writers, slanderers, solicitors of slandering, 422 pc death threat makers, abusers of alternatively abled, obstructers of justice, and witness intimidators, etc,
  1452. involved in the June 8 1992 attempt on my life
  1454. 1)Mike Canfield
  1456. 2)Alex Prazma
  1458. 3)NPR , Stanford / Stanford Law School , Ailsa Chang / @ailsachang1605 ailsachang  
  1459. (
  1461. 4) Abby Karlin Resnick
  1462. (
  1464. 5)George W Herbert / @ georgewherbert (twitter)
  1466. 6)@ scotchfairy (twitter) / (mastodon)/ Lee Thompson Herbert
  1468. 7) Christian Clemmensen (Seattle, Washington, apparently, currently) (
  1470. 8)Glen and Greg Chapel (2838 Concord Ln, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 4082475330, 4085007328, 4086060620)
  1472. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1475., 10/7/2023. About  4:25 p.m., California time (United States) My mom, 75 years of age, needs immediate help, in 95959 (Nevada City, Nevada County ,California). She is too afraid to say it, but she has been assaulted, due to
  1477. myredbook. com, republican, s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x tr*fficking, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, pimps, solicitors of pimping, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, cyberstalkers, unwanted cyberstalkers, wannabe blackhat hackers, solicitors of blackhat hacking, assaulters, solicitors of assaulting, attackers, solicitors of attacking, 422 pc death threat makers, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, bribers, solicitors of bribery, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, terrorists, solicitors of terrorism, obstructors of justice, solicitors of obstruction of justice, witness intimidators, solicitors of witness intimidation, etc, etc, Glen and Greg Chapel (current mafia members)(2838 Concord lane,Santa Clara,Ca,95051)(4005007328,4086060620)
  1479. They had her assaulted by their goon felon comrades. I have text messages, to that affect.
  1481. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making
  1486. Myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, witness intimidators, &, obstructors of justice, Glen and Greg Chapel ("ex mafia")(those are not their real names) (2838 Concord Lane, Santa Clara, Ca, 95051, 40860600620,4085007328,4082475330), 666 Fairlane Ave disbarred attorney, Cliff Liu, and d*mb*ss, from New jersey, like myredbook. com, republican, felon, pretending to be a doctor, is actually corrupt doj, Ari Kriegsman, Alexandra Dragonetti, could have been behind the texts, that seemed to come from my moms phone
  1488. The myredbook dot com, republican, felons, s*x traff*ckers, solicitors of s*x traff*cking, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, perjurers, suborners of perjury, solicitors of perjury, assaulters, solicitors of assault, sexu*l  assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, , r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, rohypnol distributors, solicitors of rohypnol distributing, attackers, solicitors of attack, bribers, solicitors of bribery, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, libel writing, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slander, witness intimidators, &, obstructors of justice, that call themselves po po pretty much admitted to s*x trafficking me, and the felon/criminal at the hospital with me, 99.9% certain made a m*th delivery
  1490. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making,
  1494., Peepers, my kitty, Oct 7 2023
  1499. I think myredbook. com, republican, felons, s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x trafficking,  solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, assaulters, solicitors of assaulting, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, unwanted cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, blackhat hackers, unwanted blackhat hackers, solicitors of blackhat hacking, libel writers, solicitors of libel writing, slanderers, solicitors of slandering, bribers, solicitors of bribery, blackmailers, solicitors of blackmail, extortionists, solicitors of extortion, 422 pc death threat makers, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback providing, kickback receivers, solicitors of kickback receiving, witness intimidaters, solicitors of witness intimidation, obstructors of justice, solicitors of obstruction of justice , ******* Alexandra Dragonetti ********, Cliff Liu (disbarred attorney) (MIT,PHD in chemistry with access to rohypnol, and Anthrax (666 Fairlane Ave), Current mafia members, Glen and Greg Chapel (2838 concord lane, Santa Clara, ca, 95051, 4085007328, 4086060620,4082475330), and the corrupt po po at 610 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, Ca,95051) are using something like spoofcall, to pretend to be my mom
  1501. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making,
  1508. A bit on my health. Also, myredbook. com, GOP, felon s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x tr*ff*cking, perjurers, solicitors of perjury, suborners of perjury, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, assaulters, solicitors of assault, attackers, solicitors of attack, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, unwanted cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, pimps, solicitors of pimping, bribers, solicitors of bribery, bribers, solicitors of blackmail, blackmailers, extortionists, solicitors of extortion,  solicitors of kickback providing, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback receiving, kickback receivers, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, solicitors of libel writing, libel writers, slanderers, solicitors of slandering, 422 pc death threat makers, abusers of alternatively abled, obstructers of justice, and witness intimidators, etc, Glen and Greg Chapel (current mafia members)(2838 Concord Ln, Santa Clara,Ca,95051)(4086060620,4085007328,4082475330), are still stealing my stuff
  1510. Additionally, I am making progress on reporting myredbook. com, GOP, felon s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x tr*ff*cking, perjurers, solicitors of perjury, suborners of perjury, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, assaulters, solicitors of assault, attackers, solicitors of attack, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, unwanted cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, pimps, solicitors of pimping, bribers, solicitors of bribery, bribers, solicitors of blackmail, blackmailers, extortionists, solicitors of extortion,  solicitors of kickback providing, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback receiving, kickback receivers, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, solicitors of libel writing, libel writers, slanderers, solicitors of slandering, 422 pc death threat makers, abusers of alternatively abled, obstructers of justice, and witness intimidators, etc, Glen and Greg Chapel (current mafia members)(2838 Concord Ln, Santa Clara,Ca,95051)(4086060620,4085007328,4082475330), to various legal entities
  1512. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making,
  1518. myredbook. com, GOP, felon s*x traffickers, solicitors of s*x tr*ff*cking, perjurers, solicitors of perjury, suborners of perjury, r*pists, solicitors of r*pe, s*xual assaulters, solicitors of s*xual assault, assaulters, solicitors of assault, attackers, solicitors of attack, unwanted stalkers, solicitors of stalking, unwanted cyberstalkers, solicitors of cyberstalking, pimps, solicitors of pimping, bribers, solicitors of bribery, bribers, solicitors of blackmail, blackmailers, extortionists, solicitors of extortion,  solicitors of kickback providing, kickback providers, solicitors of kickback receiving, kickback receivers, solicitors of murder, attempted murderers, solicitors of libel writing, libel writers, slanderers, solicitors of slandering, 422 pc death threat makers, abusers of alternatively abled, obstructers of justice, and witness intimidators, etc, Glen and Greg Chapel (current mafia members)(2838 Concord Ln, Santa Clara,Ca,95051)(4086060620,4085007328,4082475330)
  1520. **** pretending to be my mom, and illegally got my debit card information
  1522. Best suited to viewers age twenty one or older. TRIGGER warnings for victims and survivors of corrupt law enforcement witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, perjury,  solicitation of perjury, suborning of perjury, stalking, solicitation of stalking, solicitation of murder, r*pe, solicitation of r*pe, libel writing, solicitation of libel writing, slander, solicitation of slander,  blackhat hacking, solicitation of blackhat hacking, extortion, bribery, blackmail, kickback receiving, crazy making

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