Creepypasta chatroom x reader
Creepypasta chatroom x reader
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You sat alone at the bone pile as always, having to watch our fearless leader in case some Thunderclan cat tried to attack him. CupcakesAndFriendship: Can I make the cupcakes?!?!?! KidneysEatThem has exited chat.
EJ: Hey I hear it too! And if I'm the one doing the cooking shouldn't I decide what we're eating? Your chat name : Fine.
Chat - We can all see what you're eating Masky: Well excuse me.
I just made you one yesterday! Masky: And I also ate it yesterday... Something with meat in it, right guys? Jeff: You mean organs, don't you? And if I'm the one doing the cooking shouldn't I decide what we're eating? BEN: I don't care what you make just make something Jeff: You shouldn't eat out of boredom. You'll get fat BEN: Never in a million years! I can eat what I want whenever I want and stay as light as a fairy Jane: You sure look like one... BEN: I know, right! Jeff has logged on Jeff: Fuck! That evil bitch beat me with a rolling pin! And you were born with a brain damage BEN: Burn! EJ: How can you cook and text at the same time? Everyone get down here the food is done EJ: What did you end up making? Jane: Could you put the phones down? We're all in the same room... EJ: But if we do it'll be all quiet Jane: There is absolutely zero logic in that sentence Masky has posted an image Jeff: Douche don't post pics of your food here! We can all see what you're eating Masky: Well excuse me. What's wrong with it? I don't think it's that hot BEN: I think I'm on fire on the inside Masky: Jeff quit hogging the milk carton! Chuckling you continued your way to the kitchen.
I miss her so much. EJ: But if we do it'll be all quiet Jane: There is absolutely zero logic in that sentence Masky has posted an image Jeff: Douche don't post pics of your food here. Jane: Jeff how do you know about Supernatural. Your chat name : Watch what. Everyone get down here the food is done EJ: What did you end up making. BeautifulSleepSmiles has met chat. ILoveCheesecake has exited chat. Slendy's coming on to see why we're not working!. SpreadTheWord: I'll find him.