
By Reliable Curlew, 11 Years ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 1'046 times.
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  1. The following message was sent to you via the Failheap Challenge Contact Us form by iNUKE ( mailto:ikevcolt@gmail.com ).
  3. --------------------------------
  5. Hi there, just wanna ask you whats going on in this community.. I dont come here often besides I registered my account back in 2011 when I was still playing eve, but just passed by yesterday and thought I could drop my two cents on a thread called Eve is dying.
  7. To my surprise after I posted a couple times, I was called trolled, flamed, called dumb by a moderator, received two infractions for nothing and all of it for speaking nothing but the truth about how subscriptions in eve were count and how the number of actual players was totally not what people thought it was.
  9. Being so contradictory towards what people would like to hear perhaps led most of the people to act that way against me.
  11. Well I know that when you find someone that contradicts you, you tend to disagree and fight it back, but now receiving infractions for something which I didnt do (trollan was the reason), when most people actually excessively flamed me without even specifying a reason or a replying within the context of the conversation, thats something that goes beyond my understanding of what the moderators are doing in your website.
  13. Im just here to let you know this, most likely you dont care, but some websites do like to hear from their users some feedback, so heres mine.
  15. Have a good day.
  17. --------------------------------
  19. Referring Page:
  20. IP Address:
  21. User Name: iNUKE
  22. User ID: 4281
  23. Email: ikevcolt@gmail.com

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Re: Untitled Gray Hog 11 Years ago.

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