We are myredbook GOP FELON le. U Murder Karen W

By Sole Teal, 1 Year ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 133 times.
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  1. June 27 2023, about 9:42 a.m., in yes, our, republican, California, in thank g*d, our, republican, United States
  3. We are myredbook dot com, republican, felons (multiplied by infinity). That means myredbook dot com republican, FELON, "law enforcement" throughout Northern California, and Southern California, and throughout the United republican / rethug, PERJURING, SOCIOPATH, pro assault of women, pro r*pe of women, pro murder of women, pro MURDER of lgbtqia, pro R*PE of lgbtqia, pro assault of lgbtqia, pro MURDER of alternatively abled, pro R*PE of alternatively abled, pro assault of alternatively abled, pro EXTREMELY VIOLENT PIMPING, etc, etc, etc, etc, TERRORIST, MISOGYNIST, states of America. That includes myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "cops" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "judges" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "district attorneys" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "state police officers" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "fbi agents" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "cgiefs of police" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "sergeants" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "captains" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "presiding judges" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "lieutenants" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "bailiffs" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "wardens" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "meter maids" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "corrections officers" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "department of justice people" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "stenographers" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "court clerks" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "court room clerks" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), etc, etc, etc, etc.
  6. We have RAPED,RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED, RAPED wh*re, sl*t, c*nt, crazy, insane, lunatic, imbecile, Karen Watson, over 100 million times, between us. yep, we have rohypnoled the f*ck out of the stupid c*nt, wh*re, sl*t, b*tch, imnecile !!!!!!!!!!! Yep, we have stalked her, blackhat hacked anaything we think her, or her stupid, probable J*wish family members, have used, slandered her, kicked her, hit her, written libel about her, pimped her, cyberstalked her, attempted to murder her, solicited her murder, solicited assault of her, solcicited perjury about her, suborned perjury about her, solcicited stalking of her, assaulted her, crazy made / gaslit her (to the extreme), threatened ALL OF HER FAMILY MEMBERS, and we do MEAN ALL, and committed at least one hundred billion felonies against her !!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT kidding at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We have gotten away with all of our felonies, and will continue to get away with all of our felonies.
  8. That being written, EVERY SINGLE PERSON, in the United States, aged 5, to age 115, is ORDERED by us dictators / authoritarians to break the knuckles of Karen watson, on both her hands, remove her fingernails, in the most painful way possible, spit on every centimeter of the body of Karen Watson (including in her mouth, and eyes), scratch the face of karen watson, until it bleeds, scratch every centimeter of the body of Karen Watson, until it bleeds, surround Karen Watson and call her c*nt, b*tch, wh*re, imbecile, stupid, aids b*tch, syphilis b*tch, gonorrhea b*tch, scabies b*tch, hep c b*tch, heb b b*tch, take out your pellet g*ns, and BB guns and shoot Karen Watson, break the tips of the fingers of Karen Watson, break the rest of the finger on all of the c*nt, b*tch, wh*re, sl*t, imbeciles fingers, slam her head into the pavement, slam her head into poles, break the forearms of Karen Watson (in the most excrutiating way possible), slice the b*tches forearms with knives, break the biceps and triceps of the c*nt, wh*re, sl*t, b*tch, imbecile, an*lly r*pe the b*tch with whatever you please, break both wrists of the c*nt, wh*re, sl*t, b*tch, slam a corw bar, repeatedly into the back of the c*nt, wh*re, sl*t, b*tch, imbecile, take knives, or picks, and ram them through the nostrils of the wh*re, c*nt, b*tch, imbecile, vag*nally r*pe the b*tch with anything you desire before and the death of the wh*re, sl*t, c*nt, b*tch, imbecile, rip the toenails off the c*nt, wh*re, sl*t, b*tch, imbecile, slice up the legs of the wh*re, c*nt, b*tch, imbecile with your knives, slam your hammers, repeatedly, into the upper, and lower legs of the c*nt, wh*re, sl*t, b*tch, cut the tongue of the c*nt, wh*re, sl*t, b*tch into tiny pieces, gouge out the eyes of the sl*t, c*nt, wh*re, b*tch, imbecile, and light the b*tch on fire !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Signed, and sincerely, myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "cops" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "judges" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "district attorneys" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "state police officers" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "fbi agents" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "cgiefs of police" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "sergeants" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "captains" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "presiding judges" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "lieutenants" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "bailiffs" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "wardens" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "meter maids" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "corrections officers" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "department of justice people" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "stenographers" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "court clerks" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), myredbook dot com, republican, FELON "court room clerks" (and there is NOT one of us in the "United States", that is NOT a republican, or, a felon), etc, etc, etc, etc.
  14. Signed, and sincereley, everyone, that has EVER worked for any "news network",or, "newspaper" , in ANY capacity, from 1973 through June 27 2023 Or, will work for a "news network", or "newspaper" in the future (in any capacity) (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at CNN (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS),(meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at Fox "news" (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS)(meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at Kron 4 (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at KTVU (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at Los altos Town Crier (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at SFGATE (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at Dailykos (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at NBC (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at ABC (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at The Daily Beast (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at Wired (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at The Verge (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at Mountain View Voice (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at Palo Alto Daily News / Palo Alto Online / Palo Alto Daily Post (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at VOX (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at Breitbart (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at The Center Square (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at The Daily Caller (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at The Daily Wire (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at Drudge Report (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at The Federalist (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at The Gateway Pundit (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at Infowars (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), (meaning us myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS, at Newsmax (and we're all myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS), etc, etc, etc, etc. We all concur myredbook dot com, republican, FELONS (Kron 4 Michelle Kennedy (myredbook dot com, republican, FELONIOUS, Blach Intermediate school (1120 Covington rd, Los Altos, Ca, 94024, and 2 years at myredbook dot com, republican, FELONIOUS, Mountain View High (3535 Truman Ave, Mountain View, Ca, 94040), and Henry Tenenbaum), must lead the way , and show others how to do the actions to Karen Watson (specified above)
  16. Signed, All of us working for myredbook dot com, republican, FELONIOUS, 988, in any capacity
  18. Signed, EVERYONE that has ever worked for any myredbook dot com, republican, FELONIOUS restaurant, or strip club /gentlemans club, in any capacity (and EVERY restaurant, and EVERY strip club / gentlemans club, is a part of the myredbook dot com, republican, FELONIOUS, network)
  20. Signed EVERYONE that has attended, or, worked for, or will work for any myredbook dot com, republican, FELONIOUS, school (in any capacity), in myredbook dot com, republican, FELONIOUS California (the bestest state in the entire world !) (and EVERY SCHOOL, is a myredbook dot com, republican, FELONIOUS school ! Yes ! We're the best ! )
  22. Signed EVERYONE that has ever worked in any capacity, for the myredbook dot com, republican, FELONIOUS, United States Postal Service. We are top tier stupid, c*nt, wh*re, b*tch, imbecile !!!!!!!!
  24. Signed EVERYONE that has ever worked for myredbook dot com, republican, FELONIOUS, Lyft, and Uber ! You deserve to suffer in pain, for the longest time possible, and die a slow , painful death, you c*nt, wh*re, b*tch, imbecile, sl*t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  26. Signed EVERY politician that has EVER been a democrat (we're actually all republicans, and always have been republican), in , YES ! our republican, United States of America !
  28. Signed, every politician, that has EVER been a republican, in, yes !, our republican, United States !
  31. This is NOT a joke. We are profoundly serious. This c*nt, wh*re, b*tch, imbecile, sl*t (Karen Watson) must suffer, and must die !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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