
By Sweltering Shama, 11 Years ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 718 times.
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  1. 18:21 <Sofia> I infracted them as part of the W&P ruleset
  2. 18:22 <EntroX> no
  3. 18:22 <Sofia> Off topic posts get infracted
  4. 18:22 <EntroX> you infracted them as part of you being a fucking sperger
  5. 18:22 <Sofia> No?
  6. 18:22 <EntroX> yes
  7. 18:22 <Sofia> I even mentioned that I was going to be infracting off topic posts to you
  8. 18:22 <Sofia> You said nothing to the contrary
  9. 18:22 <EntroX> you don't get to infract and delete
  10. 18:22 <EntroX> all you do is entice further sperging
  11. 18:22 <EntroX> i don't want sperging
  12. 18:22 <EntroX> so thats it
  13. 18:23 <Sofia> I deleted them because they were off topic
  14. 18:23 <Sofia> Would you have rather I kept them and just infracted them then infracted them again when they kept posting?
  15. 18:23 <EntroX> and also infracted them
  16. 18:23 <EntroX> yes
  17. 18:23 <EntroX> but you didnt
  18. 18:23 <Sofia> I infracted first
  19. 18:23 <Sofia> FYI
  20. 18:23 <EntroX> i dont care
  21. 18:23 <EntroX> what's done is done
  22. 18:23 <EntroX> all you have shown me is you still have your passion for going full retard 24/7
  23. 18:23 <Sofia> *shrug*
  24. 18:24 <Sofia> If that's full retard then I don't want to be normal
  25. 18:24 <EntroX> half the posts you infracted and deleted were borderline off-topic
  26. 18:24 <EntroX> and it was a complete over-reaction
  27. 18:24 <EntroX> i don't need people deterring users from discussion a forum
  28. 18:24 <Sofia> For following the ruleset?
  29. 18:24 <EntroX> yes
  30. 18:24 <EntroX> the "ruleset"
  31. 18:24 <Sofia> Then you need to tell me whether the rules are unacceptable
  32. 18:24 <Sofia> When I actually say I intend to action this
  33. 18:25 <EntroX> 1. do not EVER lock/delete a thread because it offends *you* (or you dont like it, seriously, just dont lock threads unless they turn into +1 fests)
  34. 18:25 <EntroX> guideline #1 of being a mod
  35. 18:25 <Sofia> It doesn't "offend" me
  36. 18:25 <EntroX> 4. regarding infractions, if you abuse them they will be reversed to you with a 6 month duration, if you hit 5 infractions you wont be coming back as a mod, that counts for global mods too. infractions must be given on a *post* basis, as in, every single post that is infracted *must be in violation of the rules*, do not simply infract the 10 posts a faggot
  37. 18:25 <EntroX> makes on a thread because he is having a retarded argument, delete the posts and infract one of them.
  38. 18:25 <EntroX> guideline #4 of being a mod
  39. 18:25 <Sofia> <Sofia> Basically I'm going to make a thread briefly summarizing what I intended
  40. 18:25 <Sofia> <Sofia> It'll be locked straight away
  41. 18:25 <Sofia> <Sofia> It's also going to explain that any off topic deviation will now be infracted. I'll be making it clear that they've brought that on themselves.
  42. 18:25 <Sofia> <Sofia> 'cause I've tried being lenient and it's got us to this situation.
  43. 18:25 <EntroX> you infracted the same person repeatedly
  44. 18:25 <EntroX> and deleted the posts
  45. 18:25 <EntroX> you like to pretend you are following the rules
  46. 18:25 <Sofia> I infracted multiple people
  47. 18:25 <Sofia> No?
  48. 18:25 <EntroX> but you are doing what you want
  49. 18:25 <Sofia> That's pretty clear cut
  50. 18:25 <EntroX> yes
  51. 18:25 <EntroX> and several times
  52. 18:25 <EntroX> the same person
  53. 18:26 <EntroX> you have 4 infractions right now
  54. 18:26 <Sofia> So it's my fault if they keep spamming?
  55. 18:26 <EntroX> all 4 bing ones ir everted
  56. 18:26 <Sofia> No, I believe I have 5
  57. 18:26 <EntroX> for actually not being on-topic
  58. 18:26 <EntroX> 4 point(s) total
  59. 18:26 <EntroX> tthose are 4 infractions that shouldnt have happened
  60. 18:26 <Sofia> I can't send PMs, so I'm hazarding a guess I'm actually banned
  61. 18:26 <EntroX> is your mailox full?
  62. 18:27 <Sofia> No?
  63. 18:27 <Sofia> You're the one that gets all the whining, not me
  64. 18:27 <Sofia> I'm honestly at a loss at what you want me to do
  65. 18:27 <Sofia> Deleting posts is not punitive
  66. 18:27 <Sofia> and that's what the infraction system is for
  67. 18:27 <Sofia> The rules STATE that off topic posting will be infracted
  68. 18:27 <Sofia> You did not say that was something that was unacceptable
  69. 18:28 <Sofia> And since people keep posting if the other posts get deleted and/or infracted what am I supposed to do?
  70. 18:28 <Sofia> Come to you?
  71. 18:28 <Sofia> You don't like people coming to you
  72. 18:28 <EntroX> and what did you exactly achieve
  73. 18:28 <EntroX> other than causing 7 different people to bitch at me
  74. 18:28 <EntroX> again
  75. 18:28 <Sofia> FROM THE SAME CORP
  76. 18:28 <EntroX> half of them were yeah
  78. 18:28 <Sofia> ALL OF THEM ARE
  79. 18:28 <EntroX> because so it happens you infracted those
  80. 18:29 <Sofia> Who did I infract?
  81. 18:29 <Sofia> Ry Ry
  82. 18:29 <Sofia> Amantus
  83. 18:29 <EntroX> lex
  84. 18:29 <Sofia> Jalif
  85. 18:29 <EntroX> booler
  86. 18:29 <EntroX> amantus and jalif
  87. 18:29 <Sofia> Booler
  88. 18:29 <Sofia> 4 out of those 5 are snuff box
  89. 18:29 <EntroX> those  are the 4 i reverted
  90. 18:29 <Sofia> I even left stuff beforehand that was massively fucking borderline
  91. 18:29 <Sofia> why
  92. 18:29 <Sofia> because they are snuff box?
  93. 18:29 <EntroX> you left it?
  94. 18:29 <Sofia> yes
  95. 18:29 <Sofia> see ry ry's post beforehand
  96. 18:29 <EntroX> http://failheap-challenge.com/showthread.php?13386-Lowsec-mk3&p=861846&viewfull=1#post861846
  97. 18:29 <Sofia> I left SOME OF IT
  98. 18:29 <EntroX> how is that infract worthy
  99. 18:30 <EntroX> http://failheap-challenge.com/showthread.php?13386-Lowsec-mk3&p=861840&viewfull=1#post861840
  100. 18:30 <EntroX> or even that one
  101. 18:30 <EntroX> he was fucking asking for a link
  102. 18:30 <EntroX> so yeah
  103. 18:30 <Sofia> http://failheap-challenge.com/showthread.php?13386-Lowsec-mk3&p=861633&viewfull=1#post861633
  104. 18:30 <EntroX> ill infract it
  105. 18:30 <EntroX> because it makes sense
  106. 18:30 <EntroX> anyways
  107. 18:30 <EntroX> i'm going to go eat
  108. 18:30 <Sofia> anything below amantus' post was deleted
  109. 18:30 <Sofia> because it was snuff box attempting to get around the ruleset
  110. 18:30 <Sofia> and you've played straight into their hands
  111. 18:30 <EntroX> jalif doesnt even play
  112. 18:30 <EntroX> and he does get to make a nice comment
  113. 18:30 <EntroX> because hell
  114. 18:30 <EntroX> its true
  115. 18:31 <EntroX> booler's is perfectly fine
  116. 18:31 <EntroX> call it whatever the fuck you want
  117. 18:31 <Sofia> they are in the same corp
  118. 18:31 <EntroX> but you have become a nuisance more than help
  119. 18:31 <EntroX> and that's not how i roll
  120. 18:31 <EntroX> sorry
  121. 18:31 <EntroX> and thank you
  122. 18:31 <Sofia> why would they be posting in w&p for a link to their own killboard?
  123. 18:32 <Sofia> because i'm really interested to know why that'd be considered "on topic" when they can just ask in corp chat
  124. 18:32 <Sofia> *chat

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