- ************************************
- 1 - Requirements:
- =================
- - Any machine running a unix-like Operating System.
- - A CGI-enabled web server (such as Apache with a loaded mod_cgi and optionally the rewrite engine).
- - Python, >=2.5 & <3.0
- - The following Python libraries:
- + simpletal, >= 4.1 & <5.0
- + simplejson, >= 1.7.1
- + python imaging library (with libpng, zlib and freetype support), >= 1.1.5
- + lxml >=2.2.4 ,
- (remark: pyCaptcha is not required anymore as it was integrated in Mobyle )
- - Optional:
- + a biological sequence/alignment format converter software. We recommend squizz
- (ftp://ftp.pasteur.fr/pub/gensoft/projects/squizz-0.99b) and we provide a plugin for it.
- + a batch system, such as SGE (http://gridengine.sunsource.net/), PBS/Torque
- (http://www.clusterresources.com/pages/products/Torque-resource-manager.php), or LSF.
- + python-drmaa http://drmaa-python.googlecode.com/ if you use SGE via DRMAA, PBS/Torque
- via DRMAA, or LSF via DRMAA. We do not provide a non-DRMAA access to Torque or LSF.
- + FedStage DRMAA for LSF (http://sourceforge.net/projects/lsf-drmaa/) if you use LSF
- + if you use Torque/PBS via DRMA enable this option at compilation time.
- + dnspython >=1.5.0 is helpful to check user emails domain validity.
- + golden (ftp://ftp.pasteur.fr/pub/gensoft/projects/golden/) is helpful to directly load
- biological sequences from databanks into the web portal.
- + python-openid >=2.2.4 (http://openidenabled.com/files/python-openid/packages/python-openid-2.2.4.tar.gz)
- to enable OpenId authentication.
- + the service descriptions (ftp://ftp.pasteur.fr/pub/gensoft/projects/Mobyle/)
- are collections of "ready-to-use" service descriptions (programs, workflows, or viewers)
- maintained by the Institut Pasteur.
- + the jing java library and dependencies (http://code.google.com/p/jing-trang/downloads/list)
- in case you want to modify service descriptions or create your own. It is not required
- to operate Mobyle, but provides detailed error messages that can help you create valid
- service descriptions.
- 2 - Technical overview:
- =======================
- A "Mobyle" server does not run any specific daemon (apart from
- the web server). When a user launches a job, it is actually running a cgi that
- runs a bioinformatics program in a subprocess. If the subprocess runs
- for more than a certain time, it detaches itself, and continues
- monitoring the execution until its end. The "web server user" is therefore
- the one that runs every request and user permissions should be done so
- that it can access and run every data, program, and parameter of the
- Mobyle configuration.
- 3 - The Mobyle archive tree:
- ============================
- Doc => Documentation
- Example => A few sample files.
- Local => Configuration, local parameters and code for the Mobyle
- system.
- Schema => The schema files that define the XML data model and the validation
- rules for service descriptions.
- Src => Mobyle source code:
- * the Mobyle folder contains the "core" code for the Mobyle
- Server.
- * the Portal folder contains the code for the web portal that
- provides an access to the system.
- Tools => A few utilities and scripts.
- niad => (only if you choose a Mobyle+BCBB tarball) root of 2 mobyle companion:
- * BCBB Mobyle Interface Designer (BMID)
- * BCBB Mobyle Pipeline System (BMPS)
- 4 - Installation steps:
- =======================
- 4.1 - Make sure every required dependence/software is present.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- 4.2 - Perform the installation.
- -------------------------------
- To install Mobyle, you need to provide 3 different paths, where all
- files will be installed, and 2 flags to install BMID and BMPS (these 2 flags are only
- available if you download a Mobyle+BCBB tarball) :
- python setup.py install \
- --install-core=/path/where/to/install/core/files \
- --install-cgis=/path/where/to/install/cgis/files \
- --install-htdocs=/path/where/to/install/html/files
- --install-bmps
- --install-bmid
- - The `--install-core' option specifies the directory where to install the Mobyle
- core files (code, tools, example, documentation, ...).
- - The `--install-cgis' option specifies the directory where to install the Mobyle
- portal cgis to be executed by the web server.
- - The `--install-htdocs' option, will be used as the Mobyle document
- root, which will contain the portal static documents (in a 'portal' subfolder),
- the users sessions, the jobs and the programs definitions (in a 'data'
- subfolder). Make sure this subtree is readable by the web server
- user. Furthermore, the permissions on subfolders 'sessions' and
- 'jobs' have to be writable by Apache.
- - The --install-bmps flag, indicate that the installer will install BMPS,
- the BCBB Mobyle Pipeline System. BMPS will be installed in Mobyle cgis location.
- (this option is available for Mobyle+BCBB tarball only).
- - The --install-bmid flag, indicate that the installer will install BMID,
- the BCBB Mobyle Interface Designer. BMID will be installed in Mobyle cgis location.
- (this option is available for Mobyle+BCBB tarball only).
- 4.3 - Configure Mobyle and Apache.
- ----------------------------------
- Go to your freshly installed "Mobyle core" directory (from now on, you can remove
- the sources), and create the configuration file using the provided template:
- cp Example/Local/Config/Config.template.py Local/Config/Config.py
- In order to have a working installation, you need to edit the various configuration directives.
- The documentation describing the configuration of Mobyle and Apache is the configuration manual
- Doc/Admin/how_to_configure_mobyle.pdf.
- 4.4 - Services descriptions deployment.
- ---------------------------------------
- The deployment of services using Mobyle does not install the programs, it just makes them
- accessible on the web. You must install separately the bioinformatics software corresponding
- to the descriptions.
- We provide a set of "ready-to-use" services descriptions (programs, workflows, viewers), which
- are available in the following ftp website: ftp://ftp.pasteur.fr/pub/gensoft/projects/Mobyle/.
- For Mobyle 1.0, use Programs-1.3.tgz or higher. Workflows and Viewers are new to version 1.0.
- For instance, to deploy pasteur-provided program descriptions:
- - download the "Programs-xx.tgz" file,
- - expand the archive in the Programs subfolder,
- - configure Mobyle according to the bioinformatics software installed on
- your platform (see LOCAL_DEPLOY_* directives in the configuration manual),
- - use the mobdeploy script which is located in the Tools subfolder (for more details see associated
- Make sure, once the programs descriptions are deployed, that they are readable by the web server.
- For more explanations about services deployment see the associated Tools/README file and the
- configuration manual.
- 5 - Tests and troubleshoot:
- ===========================
- Try to connect to your portal. The url of the portal is:
- You should see the welcome page at the center and, on left, the
- available programs presented in a hierarchical tree.
- If you have any trouble, it will be very useful to check :
- - the apache error log, if you have a "500 Internal Server Error"
- - the Mobyle error_log (located in previously the LOGDIR configuration directive),
- if something seems goes wrong but there is no error 500.
- Here are a few frequent problems that can occur:
- * Instead of the welcome page I see 'Internal Server Error'.
- -> Make sure the web server has the writable permissions on the
- --install-htdocs /sessions subfolder.
- * I do not see the installed services appear in the left menus and/or their forms.
- -> Make sure the files in data/programs/ are readable the web server user.
- * After filling the CAPTCHA, the Portal freezes:
- -> Check the Mobyle error log for an "IOError: decoder jpeg not available" message.
- If so, the PIL package was not compiled with jpeg support. You must have libjeg installed
- before to install PIL. Check if the PIL install script detects your libjpeg, PIL shows a
- summary after building (python setup.py build_ext -i).
- * After launching a job, I have : Mobyle Internal server error.
- -> Check the Mobyle error log for an "AsynchronRunner : CRITICAL ... __init__: exec child
- caught an error" message. If you find it, make sure the python module Src/Mobyle/RunnerChild.py
- is executable by the web server user.
- If your problem is not among those covered above then please contact
- us at mobyle-support@pasteur.fr.
- 6 - Mailing list:
- =================
- There is a mailing list dedicated to Mobyle server administrators, called
- "mobyle-users". This list discusses new releases, related software announcements,
- administration and development issues, etc. This is a moderated and low traffic list.
- You can subscribe to Mobyle users at:
- http://sympa.pasteur.fr/wws/subrequest/mobyle-users