#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3
F12:: ; Win+Z hotkey (change this hotkey to suit your preferences).
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1
if KeepWinZRunning ; This means an underlying thread is already running the loop below.
KeepWinZRunning := false ; Signal that thread's loop to stop.
return ; End this thread so that the one underneath will resume and see the change made by the line above.
; Otherwise:
KeepWinZRunning := true
; The next four lines are the action you want to repeat (update them to suit your preferences):
Send {Numpad0 down}
Sleep 100
Send {Numpad0 up}
; But leave the rest below unchanged.
if not KeepWinZRunning ; The user signaled the loop to stop by pressing Win-Z again.
break ; Break out of this loop.
KeepWinZRunning := false ; Reset in preparation for the next press of this hotkey.