Re: Re: Untitled

By Coral Zebra, 9 Years ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 170 times. This paste is a reply to Re: Untitled by Emerald Camel
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  1. t1 -> belt (1/1) x
  2. t2 -> hat (1/2) x
  3. t3 -> hat (2/2) x
  4. t4 -> gloves (1/2) x
  5. result: 190 hat and belt, free ring
  7. t1 -> feet (1/2) x
  8. t2 -> feet (2/2) x
  9. t3 -> gloves (2/2) x
  10. t4 -> pants (1/4) x
  11. result: 190 feet and 190 gloves
  13. t1 -> acc (1/1) x
  14. t2 -> acc (1/1) x
  15. t3 -> pants (2/4) x
  16. t4 -> pants (3/4) x
  17. result: 190 neck and 190 ear
  19. t1 -> acc (1/1)
  20. t2 -> acc (1/1) x
  21. t3 -> pants (4/4)
  22. t4 -> chest (1/4)
  23. result: 190 wrist, 190 ring and 190 pants

Replies to Re: Re: Untitled rss

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Re: Re: Re: Untitled Putrid Marmoset 9 Years ago.

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