= Request: Tails Linux OS, please include qlipper in future releases - Title: qlipper (suggested clipboard software) Hi, I'm only one person. I've been feeling sad for years Tails does not include a regular GUI clipboard app for the panel. I understand the many reasons NOT to include one.[1] However, there are many benefits to including one. I've long held off on suggesting any particular application for a few reasons, not limited to but including: # File-size and/or memory usage is too large (in most other clipboards) # Requires too many new/introduced dependencies (in most other clipboards) # Too many options which may frustrate (new) users (in most other clipboards) # Developer(s) of Tails may not care and/or don't want to add anything new and may not even try the suggestion. (I can understand and sympathize) I have tried several clipboards available in Debian, even going so far as to install each in separate Tails sessions and giving them a beating. I believe I have found one which is worthy of adding to future versions of Tails. It's small, simple, and gets the job done without pulling in a ton of dependencies. It's called: qlipper (yes, that's a 'q', not a 'g') Installation, configuration, and execution, all fantastically simple and easy to use. Qlipper may not have all of the blockbuster features and may not be as visually appealing[2] when compared to most others, but simplicity is what we're after here. The description itself is simple and elegant: "A Lightweight and cross-platform clipboard history applet. It provides the following features:" - saves clipboard history entries and restores them - lightweight - systray docking app - few requirements - can be used in GNOME and Windows (and more)" If it is included in a future version of Tails, it should be updated and introduced with version 5.1.1. Please know I am not the developer, have not worked on this project and have no desire to, don't code, and what do I know, I'm only one person. [1] Just one concern/solution: If it's serious enough, a warning pop-up could be made prior to the execution of the qlipper binary with yes or no load/exit options, maybe a click box saying I understand this is not a secure clipboard application. [2] Despite ease of use, to be honest, I only use qlipper in Tails. I find another clipboard app, "xfce4-clipman" easier on the eyes and felt smoother in configuration/use. Were I to recommend a clipboard for Tails with no conditions, I would probably recommend "clipman"[3] instead of qlipper, but never the (in *my* Tails use) buggy "parcellite"[4]. [3] "xfce4-clipman", or just "clipman", never failed in my usage. However, it did require several deps, including files which are required for use in the XFCE4 desktop environment. It was smooth as butter in Tails and I actually got a kick out of using it vs. other clipboard apps, even qlipper. [4] In my testing of "parcellite" across several Tails sessions, sometimes it would load correctly, sometimes not. When it didn't load as it should, the panel icon would not show at all, just the same black colored panel. But were you to click where the icon should be in the panel, it presented menus as normal, but the icon remained invisible. Were you to quit the app it would crash with a segfault line in the logs/dmesg output. After the crash you could reload the app and it would then appear in the panel. In my testing of parcellite, I would guess the app's icon visibly loaded in the panel 6/10 times following a new Tails session. (What a downer, I really like parcellite in other distributions) ------------------------------------------------- (.) Further details (.) ------------------------------------------------- - Current version in Debian stable: 5.0.0 https://packages.debian.org/stretch/qlipper Package: qlipper Installed Version: 5.0.0 Size: 317 kB Download: 101 kB ------------------------------------------------ - Current version in Debian testing: 5.1.1 https://packages.debian.org/buster/qlipper ------------------------------------------------ - Current version @ official site: 5.1.1 / 2017-12-08 https://github.com/pvanek/qlipper/blob/master/CHANGELOG ------------------------------------------------ - Official site: https://github.com/pvanek/qlipper ------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your consideration of qlipper.