Matrix foundation workbook keys ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ※ Download №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ※ Download №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ A grammar reference and extensive wordlist with definitions and examples give extra support for students and teachers. Уровень Foundation : Учебник Student's Book Рабочая тетрадь Workbook Книга для учителя Teacher's Book Набор из 2-х аудиодисков для работы в классе Class Audio CDs При покупке 15 комплектов учебник + рабочая тетрадь в подарок дается книга учителя. Frequent consolidation and recycling exercises build confidence and help students to add interest and variety to their English. Strong focus on culture. При покупке учебников на группу, класс, параллель действует система скидок. Exam tips, techniques, and practice of exam-type tasks to give students confidence in the exam. Hello - Effective production: speaking practice in every lesson on a wide range of topics, and step-by-step guidance for writing a variety of text types. Key features: Matrix develops grammar, vocabulary and the four main skills within an exam context. Engaging texts provide authentic input for the development of students' reading and listening skills, and provide cultural information. Each unit is theme-related, with topics chosen for their appeal to 16-19 year-olds. Grammar is presented and practised in a way that allows students to reflect on their understanding of English, and see it fall into place. Exam training is highlighted throughout the course via 'Quick tip' and 'Exam training' boxes which offer students practical advice on developing both study skills and examination techniques. Extensive vocabulary development increases students' active and passive knowledge. Frequent consolidation and recycling exercises build confidence and help students to add interest and variety to their English. Speaking is practised through a wide range of controlled and freer activities, encouraging students both to take part in more structured discussions and to express their own ideas. Listening texts are based on authentic materials and feature a variety of speakers and accents. A comprehensive writing syllabus gives students step-by-step guidance in producing a wide range of text types. The integration of practice and extension material supports mixed-ability classes. It also means that the course can be used flexibly, depending on the number of teaching hours available. A grammar reference and extensive wordlist with definitions and examples give extra support for students and teachers. Matrix Foundation has 'Culture focus' pages in every unit of the Student's Book, and extra photocopiable resource material in the Teacher's Book. Key features: Popular features met and updated in response to feedback from Matrix users. Extensive vocabulary development increases students' active and passive knowledge. Overview: New Matrix follows the principles of the previous edition, with emphasis on maximizing performance in the school-leaving exam through a focus on exam tasks and techniques and thought-provoking, demanding con. The extensive Workbook now offers more practice and more exercises. Key features: Popular features improved and updated in response to feedback from Matrix users. It also means that the course can be used flexibly, depending Matrix foundation workbook keys the number of teaching hours available. Extensive idea development increases students' active and passive knowledge. Seller Inventory AOP9780194386463 By using the Web site, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the. Grammar is presented and practised in a way that allows students to reflect on their understanding of English, and see it xi into place. Strong focus on culture.