Singleton pattern kotlin ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ However, they are not ideal in large software systems that interact with many other parts of the system. Nhưng như vậy chúng ta vẫn chưa thể áp dụng để đĩnh nghĩa Singleton. Singletons: forever alone Passing an argument But what if the initialization code requires some extra argument? Kotlin supports this pattern out of the box with the apply extension function. when mCache. They're just for visual consistency. Java handles this case with anonymous inner classes. I. Dẫn nhập - override fun mouseEntered e: MouseEvent ... I want to know way to create singleton class, so that my Util class instantiate only once per app. However when I converted my Java class to kotlin, below code was generated. I could find a related , but it is with parameter, and I am not getting it convert without params. The instance will be assigned when the companion object is first called. It is initialized when AnotherClass's companion object is called. To prevent being initialized before when needed, you can use like this: class UtilProject .... } class AnotherClass ... If you don't care when each singleton is initialized, you can also use like this: class UtilProject .... } class AnotherClass {... You can assign variables in an object or objects, and then use the variables just like they were singletons. In Kotlin you should get rid of the whole notion of the utility singleton class. The idiomatic way is to simply move all declarations to the top level. I am trying to convert to Kotlin to get my feet wet with Kotlin and to gusto the code. Builder { private val mName: String. Something from my DSL for selenium : Using apply for post constructor changes is nice but I wouldn't call it a file. Singleton pattern kotlin it seems that Kotlin language designers took this saying really to heart. A static constant can be called without having to instantiate the class. That's nice, but the point of the corresponding example in my Java 8 implementation was a bit different and probably more fundamental.