Ibm 4610 suremark printer driver for windows 7 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ※ Download №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ※ Download №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ All features and publications are available via specify codes and feature numbers. Share your experience: Write a review about this program Read more. Failing that, you could try installing two different printers. Net from within a service object which is already being hosted and used by the same instance of Pos. There is some bug on these latest drivers an older Windows versions, so only after some installations and repairs on the first install, windows gets it right. This assumes those methods are all public, if any of them are protected you are out of luck. Scripting must be enabled to use this site. - I believe its a null modem 9 pin... I am not sure which way to go about this and what exactly to do about this. Sean L your book and Yort your articles was really helpful for me to get up to this. Hi, As I understand it suremark want your service object to work as a sort of 'pass through'. I'm wjndows really sure how to go about this to be honest. This assumes those methods are all public, if any of them are protected you are out of luck. A that is, you want to get into using reflection to call those methods, and I don't know enough about the internals of. Net architecture to 4610 if calling protected methods ibm another windows externally using for is a bad idea. Net if you don't already driver how, but that shouldn't be too hard. Net printer, then everything is probably easy barring the protected method issues. A that, you could try installing two different printers. Then inside your own service object when you prknter to 'pass on' the method call you are in, just make the same call to the other printer instance using Pos. I have no idea if this is safe or even possibleusing Pos. Net from within a service object which is already being hosted and used by the same instance of Pos. Net seems like it could cause issues, but it might also work fine. You'll have to try it to know for sure. That's all the wisdom I winndows for you I'm afraid. Unlimited access to great tech support, all year around. That's all the wisdom I have for you I'm afraid. Net if you don't already know how, but that shouldn't be too hard. This assumes those methods are all public, if any of them are protected you are out of luck. There is some bug on these latest drivers an older Windows versions, so only after some installations and repairs on the first install, windows gets it right. Table 2 shows the warranty information for each printer model.