Dmu kinematics catia v5 tutorial pdf ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ※ Download №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ※ Download №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Make sure you are in Design mode. Number of degrees of freedom is 5 3 rotations and 2 translations. It may be a good idea to take a look at the section describing the menus and toolbars. You can increase the interpolation sampling step of the replay for a finer replay. The products in collision is highlighted. Activate the Driven angle command. Number of degrees of freedom is 4 3 rotation and 1 translation for a 3D mechanism and 2 1 rotation and 1 translation for a 2D mechanism. Kinematic Simulations in CATIA... Cool visual animations or a useful engineering tool? - The command will be an angle type command. The Kinematics Simulation dialog box displays.. The Mechanism Analysis dialog box displays: 2. The corresponding part of the kinematics mechanism moves accordingly. This guide is intended for users who. Kinematics Simulation and Edit Simulation dialog boxes appear. You then compiled the Simulation created as described in the previous task.