Round robin scheduling program in c with gantt chart ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ※ Download №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ※ Download №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Assume we have n processes each with execution time as ei. The same applies to processes. However; I spent 10 minutes trying to decipher your code and still don't really know what it thinks it's doing - there's no comments at all and the variable names and function names don't help e. The ready queue works like circular queue. It cause interruption to the OS. I am unable to generate the Gaint chart and also please can anyone explain me where i made mistake in calculating my waiting time algorithm. Operating System Scheduling algorithms - The UltraSPARC T1 CPU has 8 cores per chip and 4 hardware threads per core, for a total of 32 logical processors per chip. Round robin is the scheduling algorithm used by the CPU during execution of the process. Round robin is designed specifically for time sharing systems. It is similar to but the preemption is the added functionality to switch between the processes. The ready queue works like circular queue. All processes in this algorithm are kept in the circular queue also known as ready queue. By using this algorithm , CPU makes sure, time slices any natural number are assigned to each process in equal portions and in circular order , dealing with all process without any priority. It is also known as cyclic executive. The main advantage of round robin algorithm over is that it is starvation free. Every process will be executed by CPU for fixed interval of time which is set as time slice. So in this way no process left waiting for its turn to be executed by the CPU. Round robin algorithm is simple and easy to implement. The name round robin comes from the principle known as round robin in which every person takes equal share of something in turn. It cause interruption to the OS. Here , User can calculate the average turnaround time and average waiting time along with the starting and finishing time of each process Turnaround time : Its the total time taken by the process between starting and the completion Waiting time : Its the time for which process is ready to run but not executed by CPU scheduler for example , we have three processes Burst time Waiting time Turnaround time P1 24 6 30 P2 3 4 7 P3 3 7 10 So here we can see the turnaround time for the process 1 is 30 while 7 and 10 for 2nd and 3rd process A Gantt chart is a chart which shows the start and finish times of all the processes. As long as all processes completes the execution then we dont have any trouble, But the problem starts when any of the process fails to complete. The incomplete execution of any process leads to starvation. Code : import java. ArrayList ; import java. Collection ; import java. Iterator ; import java. List ; import java. The system can then zip for another process with a higher priority in the ready queue or waiting queue and start its execution. User programs running in kernel mode are NOT considered in the system scheduling class. It is similar to but the preemption is the added functionality to switch between the processes. A process may be in some waiting state, where it kind of gives up on his time slice, so, the next process would benefit in terms of being started earlier - but it may not become a larger time slice. The current state of the print is saved by a process called as a context switch. The current state of the process will be saved by the context switch. Those tasks are stored in an active array, indexed according to priority.